Global SaaS Business Application Market Research
Hello, Habralyudi!
StartupIndex has conducted a comprehensive study of the global SaaS business application market and is in a hurry to share it with you.

According to the study, the global market for enterprise SaaS applications will reach $ 8.5 billion by the end of 2010. Thus, the company's revenue will grow by 14% compared to 2009.
At the same time, the competitive environment has three sustainable trends:
Developments by Google, the ASANA project , developed by one of the creators of Facebook in the company of well-known Internet figures and investors, the emergence of services such as Staction and Rule.fm - all this only means that the market is ready for changes, and serious innovations in the field of productivity and SaaS for business organization is yet to come.
Gartner predicts that by 2014 up to 90% of project management systems will be provided as SaaS and predicts a substantial development of the market for these projects in the coming years due to the growth of new users (the emergence of a new business and the transition of companies to Cloud), while existing users may partially redistributed between new services that focus on low cost.
But in the market of content management, communications and employee interactions, there is a wide variation in SaaS preferences. So, only 4% of companies use SaaS to work with corporate information, and 82% of companies use Internet conferences for communications.
In the customer relationship management market, SaaS predicts a 26% share in 2010. There are three companies:Salesforce , Netsuite and RightNow earn over $ 1.5 billion a year. The market valuation of Salesforce, one of the oldest companies in the SaaS market, exceeds $ 9 billion, which exceeds the estimate for the entire EA-SaaS market.
Directly, the EA-SaaS market can be divided between large profitable (including public) companies - such as the above leaders, and young projects, conditionally related to Web2.0. Companies differ in both size (number of employees) and pricing, business model, openness, and market strategy.
In our study, we mainly consider the so-called Web2.0 EA-SaaS applications as the most dynamically developing segment. Due to the fact that there are more than a hundred such applications, we focused on the most active in terms of marketing and technological trends.
The full text of the research report can only be obtained by writing to us at research@startupindex.ru .
Indicate in the letter your surname, first name, middle name, company name, position, reason for interest in the study and, if possible, a contact phone number. Also indicate whether you agree to receive all subsequent StartupIndex research and the announcement of new StartupIndex Review journal issues .
We do not publish the entire report, since we believe that in such an area as researching the Internet market, an individual approach to each is necessary. We want to know more about the needs and interests of our audience in order to make the following research even better and more accurate, which is completely impossible without feedback, open communication and the support of our readers.
The SaaS application topic will be covered in more detail in the seventh issue of the StartupIndex Review magazine, which will be released before the end of 2010.
The full list of research objects includes more than fifty companies and projects: 37 Signals (Ta-daLists, Basecamp, Highrise, Backpac, Writeboard), Asana, BantamNetworks (BantamLive), BatchBlueSoftware (BatchBook), BehanceLLC (ActionMethod), Box.netInc. (Box.net), BrightSide Software (Nuospace, Clienteq), Central Desktop, Comindwork (Comindwork), Digital Crew (Teamwork), Element Software (Copper), Etacts, Evernote, Future Simple (PipeJump), Google Apps (Contacts, Calendar , Tasks, Sites, Docs, Wave), Intuit (Customer Manager), Silentale, Liquid Planner, NetSuite, Norada (Solveʻ360), Ninian Solutions Ltd (Huddle), Paste Interactive (Staction, Paprika), PBWorks, Project Manager, QG Software (5PM), RightNow, RiveRock Technologies (OnePlace), Rule-FM, Salesforce (Sales Cloud 2, Chatter, Crunchbase), Socialtext, SmartSheet, TDC LLC (TaskPoint),
StartupIndex has conducted a comprehensive study of the global SaaS business application market and is in a hurry to share it with you.

According to the study, the global market for enterprise SaaS applications will reach $ 8.5 billion by the end of 2010. Thus, the company's revenue will grow by 14% compared to 2009.
At the same time, the competitive environment has three sustainable trends:
- the vast majority of SaaS solutions for business relates to project management;
- almost all the services of the organization of project management grew out of the own needs of development companies, the functionality of most of the services is almost identical;
- at the moment there are only a few universal services, only one of them is an active player in the market.
Developments by Google, the ASANA project , developed by one of the creators of Facebook in the company of well-known Internet figures and investors, the emergence of services such as Staction and Rule.fm - all this only means that the market is ready for changes, and serious innovations in the field of productivity and SaaS for business organization is yet to come.
Gartner predicts that by 2014 up to 90% of project management systems will be provided as SaaS and predicts a substantial development of the market for these projects in the coming years due to the growth of new users (the emergence of a new business and the transition of companies to Cloud), while existing users may partially redistributed between new services that focus on low cost.
But in the market of content management, communications and employee interactions, there is a wide variation in SaaS preferences. So, only 4% of companies use SaaS to work with corporate information, and 82% of companies use Internet conferences for communications.
In the customer relationship management market, SaaS predicts a 26% share in 2010. There are three companies:Salesforce , Netsuite and RightNow earn over $ 1.5 billion a year. The market valuation of Salesforce, one of the oldest companies in the SaaS market, exceeds $ 9 billion, which exceeds the estimate for the entire EA-SaaS market.
Directly, the EA-SaaS market can be divided between large profitable (including public) companies - such as the above leaders, and young projects, conditionally related to Web2.0. Companies differ in both size (number of employees) and pricing, business model, openness, and market strategy.
In our study, we mainly consider the so-called Web2.0 EA-SaaS applications as the most dynamically developing segment. Due to the fact that there are more than a hundred such applications, we focused on the most active in terms of marketing and technological trends.
The full text of the research report can only be obtained by writing to us at research@startupindex.ru .
Indicate in the letter your surname, first name, middle name, company name, position, reason for interest in the study and, if possible, a contact phone number. Also indicate whether you agree to receive all subsequent StartupIndex research and the announcement of new StartupIndex Review journal issues .
We do not publish the entire report, since we believe that in such an area as researching the Internet market, an individual approach to each is necessary. We want to know more about the needs and interests of our audience in order to make the following research even better and more accurate, which is completely impossible without feedback, open communication and the support of our readers.
The SaaS application topic will be covered in more detail in the seventh issue of the StartupIndex Review magazine, which will be released before the end of 2010.
The full list of research objects includes more than fifty companies and projects: 37 Signals (Ta-daLists, Basecamp, Highrise, Backpac, Writeboard), Asana, BantamNetworks (BantamLive), BatchBlueSoftware (BatchBook), BehanceLLC (ActionMethod), Box.netInc. (Box.net), BrightSide Software (Nuospace, Clienteq), Central Desktop, Comindwork (Comindwork), Digital Crew (Teamwork), Element Software (Copper), Etacts, Evernote, Future Simple (PipeJump), Google Apps (Contacts, Calendar , Tasks, Sites, Docs, Wave), Intuit (Customer Manager), Silentale, Liquid Planner, NetSuite, Norada (Solveʻ360), Ninian Solutions Ltd (Huddle), Paste Interactive (Staction, Paprika), PBWorks, Project Manager, QG Software (5PM), RightNow, RiveRock Technologies (OnePlace), Rule-FM, Salesforce (Sales Cloud 2, Chatter, Crunchbase), Socialtext, SmartSheet, TDC LLC (TaskPoint),