QuickAdm - Fast Universal Admins

    In the process, I somehow came across a phpMyEdit project - a web-based interface that makes it relatively easy to raise admins for tabular data.

    After refinement for myself, a solution was born, which I called QuickAdm. It makes admin panels in a very short time through a web-based interface to tables, has the simplest ACL and password protection.

    Tables are called objects, their fields are called properties. The name of the object / property is equal to the name of the table and field in MySQL, so you need to enter the Latin alphabet.

    You can test it here: http://yamozg.ru/adm (login / password for reading reader / reader, admin admin / admin - deleting tables does not work there, because it is forbidden at the database level).

    Download here: http://yamozg.ru/quickadm.tar.gz(you need to configure config.php and execute quickadm.sql in the desired database, the application is designed to work in the / adm / folder relative to the root of the site).

    The code does not differ in elegance, it is written as an adapter on top of this phpMyEdit, so please do not kick much. I think someone might come in handy.

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