Solving Password Issues

    Once a girl came to me with a complaint that when she types in the word, the letters that she presses are not typed. Surprised by this, she decided to take a look at what was happening. It turned out that the girl had nails extended, which did not allow her to type normally. The problem was fixed with a few movements of the scissors.

    It often happens that it is difficult for us to understand ordinary users, those who do not quite understand the difference between a coffee stand and a drive, or those who throw floppy disks into a system unit where floppy is not installed. Such misunderstanding, and inconsistency in understanding, often leads to even more dumb user and, in turn, the loss of nerve cells by the administrator. * Create an even simpler interface, and the world will create an even more stupid user * - these words are spoken by everyone. Most users consider themselves quite qualified, but in reality - this is just a way of self-defense of their dignity - it is precisely because of the unwillingness of the user to agree with their true level of knowledge, and there is more and more degradation and a retreat to simpler interfaces.

    But do not dwell on the global problem * user - computer *. Today's task is to minimize the number of lost nerve cells in the admin and maximize the productivity of the user's independent work with the computer.

    It is no secret that a considerable share of all problems of users is the form of authorization, namely, entering a password. Judge for yourself - when you look for letters on the keyboard for a long time, and then, looking at the monitor, instead of all your work, see a few stars - this can spoil your whole future life ... But let's not talk about extreme cases - there are not so many of them. But here * forgetfulness * switch the layout, squeeze the capsule, or finally leave Shift alone - a very, very common problem when entering a password. And closing it with * asterisks * sometimes turns the task of entering a password into torment for the user, accusing the nth information system that * he is not allowed on the site *, and, in the end, leads to the administrator’s early graying. Well, it’s not at all difficult for both the user and the user to simplify their life. I propose the following solution: If the password is entered incorrectly, to say that the password is not correct is not enough, you need to enable the user to see what he entered. The implementation of this technique is demonstrated on the screenshots below - if the password or login is not correct, you can simply click on the link * show password * - and immediately it becomes clear what is the reason.

    here the password is still not visible: a

    light click on the link - and all the problems down!

    At the same time, it is pleasant for the user - it is always easy to understand why the problem arose, and the administrator has less bad work. As a result, we have tremendous help to the user in entering the password on the one hand, and sufficient security on the other, because if an enemy worker is behind you and you have forgotten the password, you can go the old way too - do not look at the incorrectly entered stars, but try to guess in what is the reason, or just wait until the spy behind is hungry (carefully, not suitable for an Internet cafe!).

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