GTUG Campout 2010

    GTUG Campout is an annual event where members of the Google Technology User Group design, develop and demonstrate a product for 3 days. This is an extended weekend format that starts on Friday and ends on Sunday evening. Last year, the theme of the projects was Google Wave, in this - HTML5. This year's Campout was held in Silicon Valley, Lagoon (Mexico), Melbourne (Australia), Munich (Germany) and Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine).
    To see how everything works, you need a browser on the WebKit engine (Safari / Chrome), a Facebook account, an open 12345th port and Kaspersky turned off.

    In 2.5 days, Dnepropetrovsk GTUG managed to: discuss HTML5 features, choose the best idea, create a design, program, come up with a name and buy a domain, place the project on production.

    The idea of ​​musical collaboration was chosen for development. Users create their own drum orchestras and control instruments in real time.

    Upon entering the “orchestra”, a socket connection is established with the server, through which notifications about the pressed user bits are sent and information about the bits of other users is received. On the server we used phpwebsockets library, which had to be modified because the Safari 5 and Chrome 6 has used the 76th draft specification protocol , and Chrome 5 - still the 75th.

    Unfortunately, attempts to implement the project on the iPad failed. Part of the team, invented the most sophisticated methods for outputting sound to a mobile WebKit, but unfortunately multi-streaming on mobile devices is still a pipe dream.

    During the project, everyone came to the conclusion that using graphical editors for prototyping and creating an interface only slows down the process and everything from mockups to the final chic shine needs to be done right away in a bunch of HTML + CSS3. This approach allows you to immediately take into account the structure of the code, and work in parallel with the designer and layout designer, or completely exclude the layout process as such.

    Development Team: Ekaterina Kameneva , Anton Polyakov , Alexander Zaitsev ,Nikolai Smooth , Victor Burlyk , Eugene Poponin , Igor Kryzhanovsky , Vitaly Khit , Alexei Ivankin , Andrei Horse . Helped with advice: Alexander Kotsyuryuba, Dmitry Sharkov, Igor Oleinik, Alexander Bakharev.

    We all enjoyed the communication and development. HTML5 is the future, and it is terribly beautiful.

    Applications that took first , second and third place in the Silicout Valley campout. The German application is StillePost .
    Dnepropetrovsk GTUG , Silicon Valley GTUG Campout .

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