Home furniture for boom
Most of the users and readers of Habr are IT and at heart a little geeky. Surely each of us wanted to make our apartment more unique. Here geek furniture can come to our aid, and about it below
Rubik's Cube
Many are subject to obsession and love for the Rubik's Cube, despite the age of this puzzle.
This table was designed by Clab4Design (furniture design studio in Italy). This table is convenient to use, since the door opens to the touch, using only minimal pressure on it.
The size of 1 face of the cube is 60cm, but when ordering, you can specify the size you need.
Inside the table there are convenient departments where you can store books, CDs, etc. From above, you can put magazines or arrange Friday tea parties.
Keyboard Lounger
This lounger is perfect for those who work for a long time at the computer. It’s the most that would relax a bit after work or even take a nap. They say that this chair is quite "soft" due to the keys.
The sunbed was designed and created by Dante Bonuccheli , during the creation of which 40 keyboards were used.
Keyboard chair
A chair is like a work of art. Designer Nolen Herbut created a chair of 2,000 keys fixed over the Baltic birch.
Unfortunately this chair is not for sale.
Sofa and pool table
Here I think everything is clear, we look at the photos.
You could buy it on EBay for $ 95
Tetris and home furniture
Love for this landmark game can lead to the purchase of furniture, in the form of figures from Tetris. Designers Diego Silveriu and Elder Filippov designed and created furniture consisting of Tetris game figures, the ones we love and hate.
This idea allows you to create a new situation almost every day, all the figures can be moved and rearranged. For example, from 1 large cabinet you can make a couple of small cabinets and so on, the scope for creativity is huge.
Wardrobe and Tetris
This cabinet is again on the theme of Tetris. This design consists of 10 separate figures.
Figures can be set as you wish. You can order a cabinet here , with the possibility of indicating the tree, the color of the figures, etc. You can also buy several of these cabinets and then connect them.
Real gamer's coffee table
This coffee table was invented by Stefan Perruchon, as far as I understand it has not yet been done, there is only a 3D model.
Mario Brothers Room
There are no people who would not play this game. Here is a short story of these characters:
Mario was created by Shigeru Miyamoto for Nintendo. He first appeared in the game Donkey Kong under the original name Jumpman, and he was then not a plumber, but a carpenter.
Furniture on the theme of Mario Bros consists of: themed shelf, “pipe” and watches.
On the "pipe" it is convenient to charge phones, PDAs and other gadgets. Thought out the problem with wires that can be easily removed inside the structure.
Pacman’s mouth
An ideal place for meditation and working on a laptop The
chairs, in the form of “ghosts” from the game, will complete the full picture
. And yet, if you have links to authors of some things - write, I will add.