Google Images Interface Update

    Google has announced an update to the image search interface:

    • Images are arranged more densely, so you can view more images at the same time, but at the same time thumbnails are enlarged.
    • Scroll instantly between inner pages. Now you can view up to 1000 images on one scrolled page. At the same time, internal page numbers are displayed so that users are not lost.
    • When you hover over the thumbnail, a panel appears with information about the image.
    • When you click on an image, the user is redirected to the page on which it is located, and the image itself is displayed against the background of this page. If you click outside the image, the user is redirected directly to the original page.
    • You can switch between the internal pages using the standard Page Up and Page Down keys.

    Allegedly, more than 10 billion images have now been indexed by Google.

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