Broad powers of the FSB
The State Duma in the third reading adopted amendments to the law "On the Federal Security Service" and the Code of Administrative Offenses, expanding the powers of the FSB.
Now the FSB has received the legal right to warn citizens against actions that could create the conditions for committing extremist and terrorist crimes (?!)
Disobedience to the legal requirements of the FSB officer and obstruction of his official duties are recognized as administrative offenses. This could face up to a thousand rubles fine or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. For obstructing the work of an FSB officer, an individual may be fined up to 3 thousand rubles, a legal entity - up to 50 thousand.
The amendments also provide the special services with the right to issue official warnings “about the inadmissibility of actions creating conditions for crimes” , as well as “about eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the implementation of threats to the security of the Russian Federation” . In the final version of the law introducing these amendments, there was no provision on liability for inattention to such warnings.
Now, if the FSB suspects you of actions that could create conditions for the threat of terrorism, they will send you an invitation to a preventive conversation (warning) by mail or bring it to you to work. Of course, you don’t even have to respond to the invitation, you can just throw it away, but if you contrary to the “mandatory official warning about the inadmissibility of actions” take them, you may face criminal liability.
Publication on the website July 16, 2010
Now the FSB has received the legal right to warn citizens against actions that could create the conditions for committing extremist and terrorist crimes (?!)
Disobedience to the legal requirements of the FSB officer and obstruction of his official duties are recognized as administrative offenses. This could face up to a thousand rubles fine or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. For obstructing the work of an FSB officer, an individual may be fined up to 3 thousand rubles, a legal entity - up to 50 thousand.
The amendments also provide the special services with the right to issue official warnings “about the inadmissibility of actions creating conditions for crimes” , as well as “about eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the implementation of threats to the security of the Russian Federation” . In the final version of the law introducing these amendments, there was no provision on liability for inattention to such warnings.
Now, if the FSB suspects you of actions that could create conditions for the threat of terrorism, they will send you an invitation to a preventive conversation (warning) by mail or bring it to you to work. Of course, you don’t even have to respond to the invitation, you can just throw it away, but if you contrary to the “mandatory official warning about the inadmissibility of actions” take them, you may face criminal liability.
Publication on the website July 16, 2010