What IT infrastructure accounting software do you use?

    Many of the Habr members are system administrators or work for companies with more than 10 computers. We would like to ask you a few questions related to your professional activities.

    • What program are you currently using to record a computer system in your enterprise?
    • If there are several such programs for different functions, tell us what and why?
    • What features do you miss?
    • How much does it cost you (the company) the software that you use for this purpose?
    • And what price are you willing to pay for a really convenient product for accounting and supporting a computer network?
    • And for statistics and understanding: How many computers do you have (not necessarily the exact number, enough order) and what sizes of the room (several rooms, floor, several floors, several buildings)?

    Active participants in the discussion will be invited as testers for the new software product and will receive free personal licenses for its use.

    Thank you in advance for participating in the discussion.

    Brief explanation:

    Everyone who at least once tried to configure the network or fix some settings, was faced with the need to get some information about the equipment with which you have to work. This information can be different - in some cases we need to know the configuration of the computer (for example, during hardware repair), in some - a list of installed software, and sometimes - just a model of the router that suddenly stopped putting it on the Internet.

    Breakdowns within the enterprise can occur daily, and can be rare and accidental. First of all, it depends on the directness of the hands of the users themselves, sometimes on the literacy of the admin.

    If there are a lot of computers, and the network is not the simplest, then for convenient work there is a need for an IT infrastructure accounting program.

    Over the two years of our company’s work, we have tried several products that exist on the market and somehow realize this goal.
    Faced with various inconveniences - sometimes the program is sharpened for accounting strictly within one network (one enterprise), sometimes strictly for building a network in accordance with GOST or other standards (and the slightest deviations from the standard cause a lot of problems). Most often, the problem is simple: too many resources are required to implement an accounting and support program — for example, learning a user’s basics of drawing in AutoCAD or filling out several fields when filling out an application for HelpDesk.

    Not finding anything convenient, they began to write their own.

    In our program, we made the main emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. We took into account those functions that are most often not enough for normal work with accounting programs. We thought up a simple and convenient interface, implemented several key features - a visual map of the network on the floor plan, the ability to view connections from point to point, a layer system for objects.

    This survey is needed in order to take into account your wishes in developing a program for accounting and technical support for computer systems.

    UPD: For convenience - a survey form in GoogleDocs

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