A new meeting of symphonists SYMFONY CAMP UA 2010, Kiev

To participate, you need to register , participation is free.
Some details:
- date, July 3, 2010
- host city Ukraine Kiev
- the venue is selected (maybe there is someone from the participants whose company can provide or pay for the conference room)
- time from 10:00 to 18:00, with a lunch break (as without it) and coffee (without this, too, nothing)
- the conference program will be formed as participants and speakers register
So everyone who wishes to participate in SYMFONY CAMP UA 2010 and not only listen, but also to tell something from their own or someone else's experience, offer your reports.
Is there a desire to support the conference? Place one of the banners you like on your site.
All the details on the off site of the conference symfonycamp.org.ua