State registration of absolutely all Internet resources announced in Belarus
By a resolution of the Council of Ministers in Belarus on May 1, state registration of all Internet resources was announced. From July 1, the operation of any site in the country that has not been registered will be considered illegal.
The decisions made the day before regarding online stores and Internet cafes cannot be compared in importance with the announcement of the official state registration of all Internet resources. The only exceptions are those resources that contain state secrets.
As indicated in the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 644, the decision was made with the aim of improving the use of the national segment of the global computer network Internet and pursuant to paragraph five of subparagraph 14.1 of paragraph 14 of Decree of the President of Belarus of February 1, 2010 No. 60 “On measures to improve the use of the national segment of the Internet” .
According to this paragraph, the Council of Ministers should, in agreement with the Presidential Operations and Analysis Center (OAC) under the President, determine the procedure for state registration of information networks, systems and resources of the national segment of the Internet located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the list and forms submitted by Internet service providers for state registration of documents. Everyone was waiting for this moment with great fears, and now it has arrived.
Registration itself will take place on a declarative basis and does not seem to involve refusals. The only reason for which a refusal of registration may be received is non-compliance with the requirements established for the form or content of the application. But just the established form and content of the application for registration make you think. In a statement, the owner of the resource will have to indicate literally everything, starting from his own name and ending with the technical nuances of the site.
According to Somin’s decree, de facto registration began on May 1 and should end by July 1 — the deadlines are incredibly tight. All owners of resources who want to register and work within the framework of the law from July 1 must submit an application to the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus or their authorized body in accordance with the approved form, in which to indicate a lot of confidential information:
- name of legal entity or full name of individual an entrepreneur who owns the resource;
- country code (meaning the country in which the domain name is registered);
- Full name of the head;
- location of the legal entity, address of the individual entrepreneur, contact phone number, email address;
- information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (USR);
- The contract of the owner of the resource with the Internet service provider;
- data on the rights of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to the indicated resources;
- for the website: the description of the resource, the used network (IP) addresses, domain names of the resource, the registration number of the data center hosting the resource, the type of hosting used by the resource;
- ports of transport protocols used by the resource of the model of interaction between open systems (for the network address space, a list of network addresses is indicated), as well as many other information.
Such applications for registration will be submitted not only by website owners, but also by Internet service providers, as well as data center owners. For them, the filing of additional technical information is established.
// According to the materials " Datebook "
The decisions made the day before regarding online stores and Internet cafes cannot be compared in importance with the announcement of the official state registration of all Internet resources. The only exceptions are those resources that contain state secrets.
As indicated in the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 644, the decision was made with the aim of improving the use of the national segment of the global computer network Internet and pursuant to paragraph five of subparagraph 14.1 of paragraph 14 of Decree of the President of Belarus of February 1, 2010 No. 60 “On measures to improve the use of the national segment of the Internet” .
According to this paragraph, the Council of Ministers should, in agreement with the Presidential Operations and Analysis Center (OAC) under the President, determine the procedure for state registration of information networks, systems and resources of the national segment of the Internet located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the list and forms submitted by Internet service providers for state registration of documents. Everyone was waiting for this moment with great fears, and now it has arrived.
Registration itself will take place on a declarative basis and does not seem to involve refusals. The only reason for which a refusal of registration may be received is non-compliance with the requirements established for the form or content of the application. But just the established form and content of the application for registration make you think. In a statement, the owner of the resource will have to indicate literally everything, starting from his own name and ending with the technical nuances of the site.
According to Somin’s decree, de facto registration began on May 1 and should end by July 1 — the deadlines are incredibly tight. All owners of resources who want to register and work within the framework of the law from July 1 must submit an application to the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus or their authorized body in accordance with the approved form, in which to indicate a lot of confidential information:
- name of legal entity or full name of individual an entrepreneur who owns the resource;
- country code (meaning the country in which the domain name is registered);
- Full name of the head;
- location of the legal entity, address of the individual entrepreneur, contact phone number, email address;
- information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (USR);
- The contract of the owner of the resource with the Internet service provider;
- data on the rights of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to the indicated resources;
- for the website: the description of the resource, the used network (IP) addresses, domain names of the resource, the registration number of the data center hosting the resource, the type of hosting used by the resource;
- ports of transport protocols used by the resource of the model of interaction between open systems (for the network address space, a list of network addresses is indicated), as well as many other information.
Such applications for registration will be submitted not only by website owners, but also by Internet service providers, as well as data center owners. For them, the filing of additional technical information is established.
// According to the materials " Datebook "