He started the development of the project and saw that it was good

    In this issue, we will talk about Agile \ Scrum, bug tracking, version control systems and the initial stage of application development. Without advice, conclusions and reflection, just an arrangement of experience.

    I gathered people, distributed tasks, everything works, and everything seems to be fine. And then people wanted to wake up at the people. They wanted to feel themselves white people, so that everything was civil - and give them bug tracking and svn ...

    But the Chukchi is not in a hurry, the Chukchi sparrow shot, knows that the project is not living with lotions. Although, he was also hooked, he wanted to put Git already, but he did not intend to. Then someone in 5 minutes delivered VisualSVN whose server part is free, and AnkhSVN as a client is a free extension for VS. So this farm is not particularly useful. The account was set up incorrectly for someone, so they drove the files by mail, and did not tell anyone. And all sorts of bourgeois-language basecamps - and in general I did not like it. Are we worse? We’ll write our own one, so that it’s possible to discuss it right away inside, sculpt the pros and cons, pay the salary and leave a comment right away in which direction to dig. Well, plus, we have all the work right away on the corporate forum laid out - here you have all the bug tracking right away in the topic.

    Okay, I decided with the Wishlist, I felt like a big boss, I decided to see what other big bosses are doing. And they, it turns out, are engaged in methodologies. Agile is a generic approach, and scrum is one of its implementations. I will not decrypt, especially since there have already been articles on this topic, and the audience here is considered smart and sophisticated. All knowledge is valuable only on an occasion; the need for an agile approach arises during team development of a project in which not everything is clear. I open, then, then Wikipedia, to clarify for myself the meaning of these wonderful overseas words. Agile is a pure philosophy, no specific instructions, if you are a modern person, then it will be close to you. Scrum already contains rules, for example, there must be a Product Owner (Owner), that is, a vision carrier. I myself performed this role, but there was no Leader, failed to pick up a sufficiently competent person. Therefore, on two roles, I just sewn up. There should be demonstrations, but there were no problems with it - right away, where it was laid out, it was discussed there. In retrospect, as a digging in the past, I found it unnecessary. I also had sprints - accounting periods, I made a rule for myself once a week to summarize the results, arrange reconciliation of the work done, although there was a separate person who worked on the time sheet. It was for me the most tedious procedure of all. Sometimes we also had gatherings in skype chat - about the same thing three times, but it settles better in our heads. In retrospect, as a digging in the past, I found it unnecessary. I also had sprints - accounting periods, I made a rule for myself once a week to summarize the results, arrange reconciliation of the work done, although there was a separate person who worked on the time sheet. It was for me the most tedious procedure of all. Sometimes we also had gatherings in skype chat - about the same thing three times, but it settles better in our heads. In retrospect, as a digging in the past, I found it unnecessary. I also had sprints - accounting periods, I made a rule for myself once a week to summarize the results, arrange reconciliation of the work done, although there was a separate person who worked on the time sheet. It was for me the most tedious procedure of all. Sometimes we also had gatherings in skype chat - about the same thing three times, but it settles better in our heads.

    So, they took 20 good fellows for the project from different ends. Well, I think we’ll bring it down, although it has already made me think. The problem came from where I did not expect it - I could not break the task into subtasks. The principles did not allow building development from the bottom-up, but I did not know how to build from the top-down. A week went in heavy painful thoughts. Then by chance I saw an article on the habr about patterns of object-oriented programming. It came to me - I really need the application architecture! The situation clarified through books, but it really did not help. No, I knew what classes and objects are, but there is still no way without practical experience. In general, another month was spent on understanding the architecture. By the way, are you bending your fingers there? A month to develop a concept, a month to architecture, but the craftsmen promised me everything to be done in a week. Can, I didn’t agree in vain? - It was already possible to release three releases.

    The confusion came out again, but who said that in real life everywhere there should be a plot, plot and denouement?

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