Seventh tape drive youth

The new HP StorageWorks DAT 320 tape drive is designed primarily for those who are just starting to think about the need for backups. As a rule, at this stage three problems can lurk you.
First, in your mind, tape drives are vaguely associated with the Dr.Alban group or any other sign of the distant 90s. Now, in an age of almost total obstruction of the data storage market with a variety of reusable devices, we often discard old proven technologies. At the same time, the idea of reuse is forgotten that no other type of media can be compared with the cost of storing a gigabyte of data with tape drives.
The second problem is when you have really got used to (or never got used to) working with something other than hard drives or flash drives. Here, an external USB drive option will come to our aid: it will be just another nice box on your desk. If the procedure for disassembling / assembling a computer does not seem complicated for you, then you can save a little by buying a device with an internal mount, connected via the SAS interface.
And here we are covered by the third wave - how to organize work with the device, because you have never encountered it before? We come to the aid of complete software - HP Data Protector Express Single Server Edition. Most likely, this software will be able to satisfy 90% of the requests of a novice user, which we need.
Now, what does the seventh generation bring us?
Small but wise!
It would seem that what can be improved in the drive, the first ancestor of which appeared in the early 80s of the last century? After all, everything was invented for a long time!
But technology and technical thought do not stand still, and here is the result:
• The expected increase in capacity. According to the good old tradition - twice, so now on a ribbon resembling the shape and size of a matchbox, it fits up to 320 GB (with compression 2: 1).
• increased write / read speed. Data flies into this box at a speed of up to 86 GB / hour, i.e. a cassette is recorded in less than 4 hours.
• halved power consumption of the device. This proves once again that the pursuit of ideal gives its results, very pleasant for the user.
What is customary to be silent about

And here in vain! After all, the owners of all HP tape drives have the ability to elementarily secure their server farm using the One Button Disaster Recovery feature(OBDR). Thanks to it, your Proliant, damaged by damage to the OS, applications or data, can boot from the last backup cartridge, like a DVD-ROM, and completely restore its state before the accident. All this at the click of a button. In this case, downtime is reduced to a matter of minutes, so your employees will only have to drink tea once again.
As a result, the current generation of tape drives from HP, along with perhaps the most developed technical basis among all types of storage devices, has all the attributes that will allow them to fit into the most modern infrastructure of your network.
And now, as always, we are waiting for your questions)