Module "Chang'e-4" and rover "Yuytu-2" are ready for the second night on the far side of the moon

Module "Chang'e-4" and the rover "Yuytu-2" are put into sleep mode before the end of the moonlit night. Rooster "Yuytu-2" will be activated on February 28, the equipment of the module "Chang'e-4" will begin to wake up on March 1, 2019.
Previously published materials about "Chang'e-4":
1. Космический аппарат «Чанъэ-4» совершил успешную посадку на обратной стороне Луны и прислал первое фото.
2. Бортовое видео процессов подготовки и совершения посадки, а так же панорама обратной стороны Луны от «Чанъэ-4»
3. Видео процесса спуска ровера «Юйту-2», его первые метры по поверхности Луны. Двухнедельный сон на Луне закончен
4. Гордость и страсть, история о превращении мечты в космический проект
5. Лунный орбитальный зонд NASA сделал первые снимки Китайской станции «Чанъэ-4» — два пикселя света
1. Космический аппарат «Чанъэ-4» совершил успешную посадку на обратной стороне Луны и прислал первое фото.
2. Бортовое видео процессов подготовки и совершения посадки, а так же панорама обратной стороны Луны от «Чанъэ-4»
3. Видео процесса спуска ровера «Юйту-2», его первые метры по поверхности Луны. Двухнедельный сон на Луне закончен
4. Гордость и страсть, история о превращении мечты в космический проект
5. Лунный орбитальный зонд NASA сделал первые снимки Китайской станции «Чанъэ-4» — два пикселя света
In fact, there is very little official data on the current status of the Chang'e-4 mission. Basically, these are informational messages that all systems are working normally.
It is clear that now on Earth and the Moon research work is in full swing, and time is very valuable on a lunar day, complex processes are underway to manage the modules and conduct various studies using analyzers, spectrometers and detectors.
Obtaining and analyzing data also takes a lot of time, especially since this is already very valuable scientific information that needs to be checked and carried out additional research, sometimes even sprinkling them into the current schedule of lunar modules.
During the second lunar day, the Chang'e-4 module was used to measure and obtain data from the instruments:
- lunar neutron radiation radiation detector (LND, Germany);
- neutral atomic detector (ASAN, Sweden);
- Visible and Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (VNIS).
All instruments onboard the Chang'e-4 module operate smoothly and according to the planned algorithms.
Photo of the module "Chang'e-4" from the rover "Yuytu-2", the second lunar day:

Also earned the Chinese Internet portal "System of publications and collection of scientific data and studies of the lunar and deep space", which will publish and process the data and images from Chang'e-4 (and already there are gigabytes of data from earlier missions).
→ The path to the portal
The first night on the far side of the Moon was, according to the sensors of the Chang'e-4 modules, very cold, the temperature on the lunar surface dropped (minimum) to minus 190 degrees Celsius. We will wait for data on the temperature in the second moon night.
By the way, for the power supply of the “Chang'e-4” modules during the moonlit night, the thermal units developed at the Russian Federal Nuclear Center (VNII Experimental Physics (VNIIEF)) are also radiation sources of heat (RHS) and radioisotope sources of electricity (RTG), intended to supply the Chinese lunar mission systems.

Using radioisotope thermoelectric generator, equipment lander "Chang'e-4" during a moonlit night can be operated at a low level of activity and to carry out those measurements . lot perature
Rover "Yuytu-2" also adds its solar panels and goes into sleep mode, clicking on the heating circuit of its elements by radiative heat sources.

six-wheeled rover "Yuytu-2":
- The total mass of the rover is about 140 kg (310 pounds);
- load capacity - about 20 kg (44 pounds);
- can move on slopes and has automatic sensors that prevent collisions with other objects;
- electricity rover is provided with two solar panels, allowing the rover to work during the lunar day;
- The maximum speed of 200 meters per hour (this speed on the Moon will not be reached anyway - as the elements on the surface will not allow acceleration and will destroy the rover earlier);
- The maximum study area - 3 square meters. km;
- estimated time of work - 3 months;
- The maximum distance is 10 km.
Since the lunar surface in the Chang'e-4 landing zone abounds in folds, numerous pebbles and small craters, after each small movement of a few tens of centimeters is completed, the rover should stop, take a picture of the surface around and send this data back to Earth via satellite repeater.
The data is then processed and a further route is outlined along which the rover will follow.
As you can see, the “Yuuta-2” rover moves across the surface of the moon, carefully avoiding obstacles.

Antennas of the Yuytu-2 rover must be configured to point at the satellite repeater in order to send and receive control signals correctly, while the rover’s solar panels must be optimally tilted to get a lot of sunlight in order to maximize electricity at the time of the transfer of data.

On the second lunar day on the back of the Moon, the Root Yuyu-2 had already traveled a total distance of over 120 meters, breaking the record of its predecessor, the Root Yuyu of the Chang'e-3 mission, which was technically immobilized on January 25, 2014 ( the result of the collision) after overcoming 114.8 meters on a complex lunar surface.
Also, the “Yuuta-2” rover made several pan-photographs of the lunar surface, it will be very interesting to see these materials.
Here is the current table of data on the distances traveled by lunar rovers and rovers, so far only one device has overcome the distance of the Olympic marathon - Opportunity .

Several photos of the lunar surface: