Idea: Special Meta Tag for Speed ​​Dial

    I think many users of the Opera browser use the so-called "Speed ​​Dial" in their work. The thing is no doubt comfortable.

    When adding a site to Speed ​​Dial Opera takes a screenshot of it, cramming it into a resolution of 1024x768. However, sometimes it’s more convenient to have not a screenshot of the site, but a special picture (site logo, for example). It is simple to make such a replacement to the owner of the browser, they already wrote about it on Habré .

    For the owner of the site, there is also a way to make a version of the site specifically for Speed ​​Dial : Layout for kizu's Opera Speed ​​Dial .

    Speed ​​dial icon

    I invite the glorious Opera developers to make it possible to specify a picture for Speed ​​Dial using the link tag. Just as the site icon for iPhone / iPod is indicated:

    If such a tag is detected, Opera will not take a screenshot, but will copy the image from the href attribute.

    UPD: solution for all browsers:

    Also popular now: