FLOSS Weekly Wikipedia page faces deletion

    FLOSS Weekly logoPerhaps the most authoritative podcast about the free and opensource-software FLOSS Weekly has been released since April 2006.

    Among his guests were such big people as Tim O'Reilly , Linus Torvalds and, most funny, Jimmy Wales , who is, no less, the founder of Wikipedia.

    This podcast is one of my favorite podcasts. And now, in the latest issue it is reported:

    - The wiki page of this podcast is shining deleted.

    “Because of what ?!”, you exclaim. You will not believe the reason is simple: "insignificance."

    Everyone remembers the recent booming wiki about the deletion of pages.alternative ICQ-clients (the page about QutIM was deleted) and Ejabberd (which was saved), and the enemy, as it turned out, did not doze off.

    Strablind in myspaceNow the enemy has chosen as his intermediary a certain Andrew Lenahan (pictured), which does the good and eternal on Wikipedia under the nickname Starblind . I think his look explains a lot.

    If you are familiar with the rules of Wikipedia and understand what you are doing, you can correctly and reasonably express your attitude to what is happening on the discussion page . Please do not try to breed a flood there, as this can only do much harm. Wikipedia is not a market ©.

    Lead Podcast host Leo Laporte verbally asked Starblyde to convey the following: “You're an ass, Andrew Lenahan.” That I, using a high tribune of Habr, and I do.

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