Demos: Enlightenment in WebMoney

    Hello colleagues. During our absence here (I hope it seemed long to you?) We were not idle. As a proof, today I am pleased to present you a series of training videos on our services. They are intended for those who are just starting to master our system, and the Internet in general. But perhaps experienced users will also find something useful for themselves.
    A complete list of demos, ready for today, is here:
    Naturally, this list will be updated all the time.
    For example, I’m posting a video here about a service that not everyone knows about. You can pay in online stores using WebMoney, while not having a registration, keeper, certificate, etc. How? Like this:

    I would like to hear your enlightened opinions both on the video itself and on the service that it explains. Is everything clear? Will it be accessible to "ordinary people", in your opinion?

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