First impressions of Sun Tech Days 2010

    Impressions of the first half of the first day of the Sun Tech Days 2010 exhibition.

    Even in the trolley bus, I realized that the main contingent of the exhibition was students. They were the bulk of the passengers, they were noisy, enthusiastically discussing how they would now attack the cookies.

    8:30 a.m. We arrived directly to LenExpo. There were many people, despite the very beginning of registration. There were a lot of registrars too, so getting a badge took literally five minutes.

    He threw off his jacket in the wardrobe and went to the exhibition hall. It is worth mentioning that for the first time on Those Days, therefore I will not draw any analogies, because there is nothing to do with it.

    The booth room is spacious, the benefit of the participants is nothing: Oracle, MySQL, Intel, Deutsche Bank, a few racks with Java ... sorry, with Java, at the end there is a small stage on which balalaika players and dombrists played (honestly, sincerely); on the sides of the stage, special comrades gave out coffee / tea and cookies to those who wanted it. There were many who wanted to.

    In an hour I managed to get around all the racks, none of which interested me in anything but souvenirs. Well, perhaps it was fun to listen to the controversy at the NetBeans counter, where a visitor convinced the standmaster of the system’s shortcomings in industrial use. In the meantime, I managed to drink coffee with cookies and chocolate. There was half an hour left before the plenary report, which I spent in the delight of hearing with the sounds of balalaika and dombra.

    10:10 a.m. With difficulty and elbows, making my way to the hall of the first section, I managed to take a seat. The chair had a writing stand on which I put down a notepad smartly and prepared to keep a record of the event.

    The reports were very entertaining. Everything is in English, as developers from Europe watched us through the Internet and were especially ardent from where they came from.

    10:25 a.m. The head of the local Java Center for Very High Tech entered the stage. Greeted everyone and left. Actually, the reports began.

    First, Angela M. Caicedo showed us how to draw with a finger on a blackboard, then she showed the same thing on a mobile. If I hadn’t forgotten the camera at home, it would have been something to show, but excuse me - I will show it on my fingers.

    Simon Ritter showed how easy it is now to slap in JavaFX, in a minute banging an app playing a video without opening the code at all. He threw a movie, a Play button, and a scroll bar onto a form. Tied them with arrows and voila. The application, of course, demonstrated in the work and on the poppy, and on the mobile.

    Alexander Nikolaevich (forgot his last name) showed everyone a face recognition system, of course, written in Java. The system amused the audience with a robot-like synthesizer of Russian speech, which broke out when one of the IP-cameras familiar in the action vector appeared.

    11 a.m. The fun ended, with the introduction to the stage of the already familiar head of the Center, who said that Gostling was not keeping up with the plenary, so he would be replaced by Deputy Octavian Donassi.

    Octavian, apparently, is a man of the old school. I didn’t pamper the audience, turned on the projector without further ado and drove the presentation slides and a lecture on the topic “Why Java ... ugh! Java is cool. ” Figures, charts, growth and prosperity, strategy and plans to conquer humanity.

    The audience was smoothly falling into a dream. The youth, who were in abundance, began to play pranks. Rare comrades reached out.

    11:20. Donassi noticed the mood of the audience and began throwing dukes (company mascots, small). I managed to aim at someone on the balcony, but the target was relaxed and dropped the duke into the hall. The maneuver with the dukes was a success, but not for long. After 10 minutes, the dream again began to take its toll.

    I drew attention only to the mention of the great contribution of the developer community to the improvement of JRuby. The flow of leaking listeners increased.

    11:35. Once again, Angela and Simon appeared on the scene. The people perked up. Angela showed the application on MobileFX, with which you can follow the South African football championship. The program showed a calendar of meetings, information about teams, photographs, etc. All this with special effects of dimming, animation, and the like.

    Revealed JavaFX Composer plugin for NetBeans. It allows you to develop JFX software in the form of slap form and gives access to the API of many network services.

    11:50. Angela demonstrated the process of creating an application using JavaFXComposer. Literally on my knee I assembled an applet that, using the Google api, looks for pictures according to the entered request. Angela herself set the word "flower" as default.

    Launched it on a poppy. Dumped on a mobile phone, but could not demonstrate there - the Internet on the phone did not work, unfortunately.

    Simon demonstrated the development of JavaFX for the desktop. He showed a beautiful watch, each parameter of which is decorated in the form of circles and a wonderful book. The book is on the monitor screen, but it works on a live one - the pages turn over, the cover is hard, and the pages are soft, bend. On the pages of the book were the previously shown clocks.

    12:00 p.m. Octavian again took the reins. He finished the presentation and let everyone go.

    By this moment I was already very tired and decided to finish my acquaintance with the exhibition.

    In conclusion, I can say that the event looks very professional, but there is nothing truly interesting, nothing revolutionary, exciting. Although, probably, I want too much from the exhibition.

    The problem of a motley audience is present. Someone really came only for cookies, souvenirs, etc. If the percentage of specialists at least 30-40 would be calmer, and so the farce turns out.

    For all safety measures, quite a lot of completely leftist people leaked to the exhibition. Some grandmothers in colorful jackets, outspoken gopniks. Apparently, free food attracted.

    But overall, overall ... Good. Nevertheless, real experts are present at the exhibition. They are interesting to listen to.

    If Friday is free, I advise you to go. Registration starts at 9:00, the first report at 10:00. Here is the program. It is most convenient to go with Primorskaya, and there either a free bus, which I never noticed, or 10 trolleybuses. Good luck.

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