Single-wire power transmission

    For electrical professionals, the ability to transfer electrical energy through a single wire should be known. This is not a miracle. However, for non-professionals, such an opportunity may seem quite fantastic, or at least unusual. In this article, I would like to share my own experience in this area. Before reading this article, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the original information from the works of N. Tesla. Single-wire energy transfer (hereinafter referred to as OPE) has been known since the 19th century. For the implementation of the PES, the following conditions are needed: the current must be alternating and relatively high-frequency, as well as a sufficiently high voltage. For example: current frequency 10-15kHz, voltage 10-15kV. Although the experiments are easier to carry out with a lower voltage, I used 100-200V. To increase the efficiency of the process, it is necessary to use resonance.

    My PEI scheme is as follows: 1 - laptop; 2 - ULF, 3 - step-up transformer (laptop, ULF and step-up transformer play the role of a current generator of the character I need, i.e. high-frequency and high-voltage); 4 - load in the form of a step-down transformer and a diode bridge on a low-voltage winding, with a DC motor connected to it; 5 - insulated conductive plate.

    Now let's take a closer look at the details of the circuit. In fact, there are two nuances in this scheme.

    The first is a step-up transformer, pay attention to the connection diagram. One end of the secondary winding is connected to one of the terminals of the primary, and, preferably, is grounded. This is done to ensure safety, as well as to increase the efficiency of the secondary winding. Further, a capacitor is connected in parallel to the primary winding, forming a parallel oscillatory circuit. The capacitance of the capacitor is calculated according to well-known formulas, depending on the inductance of the primary winding and the frequency used. This is done to increase the current strength in the primary winding, and, accordingly, to enhance the effect. With the selection of capacitor capacitance, a problem may arise, since the inductance of the primary winding during its operation is less than in the off state, and this difference depends on the load on the secondary winding. I solved this question simply: I calculated the capacitor for an inductance lower by 10% -15% of the measured value, at a given frequency. And even after that I had to adjust the frequency of the generator a little, to adjust the maximum resonance.

    The second nuance is to adjust the resonance in the secondary circuit. The inductance of the secondary circuit is the sum of the inductance of the secondary winding of the step-up transformer and the primary winding of the step-down transformer. The inductance of the primary winding of the step-down transformer will also be slightly less than measured, since it depends on the load on the secondary winding. Next, you need to pick up the capacity of the conductive insulated plate. This is done simply, we measure the area of ​​the plate and according to the formulas we calculate the capacitance for a given frequency and inductance. The plate must be placed at a distance from surrounding objects, otherwise its capacity will be greater than the calculated one. The higher the frequency and the greater the inductance of the circuit, the less capacitance is required, and hence the plate area. At a sufficiently high frequency, the circuit’s own capacitance may be sufficient, in this case, the plate is not needed. My test stand allowed the 10W motor to operate at full power, to light incandescent lamps, and, of course, blown fluorescent lamps. In my opinion, OPE has two main advantages. The first is that less materials are spent on conductors. The second - due to the increased frequency and high voltage, relatively small current flows through the conductor, the wire is almost not heated, which favorably affects the resistance. Having studied this material, I really hope that you have a question: "And what, in this case, prevents us from using the Earth as a conductor?" I will answer - nothing! And it’s possible and much easier: OPE has two main advantages. The first is that less materials are spent on conductors. The second - due to the increased frequency and high voltage, relatively small current flows through the conductor, the wire is almost not heated, which favorably affects the resistance. Having studied this material, I really hope that you have a question: "And what, in this case, prevents us from using the Earth as a conductor?" I will answer - nothing! And it’s possible and much easier: OPE has two main advantages. The first is that less materials are spent on conductors. The second - due to the increased frequency and high voltage, relatively small current flows through the conductor, the wire is almost not heated, which favorably affects the resistance. Having studied this material, I really hope that you have a question: "And what, in this case, prevents us from using the Earth as a conductor?" I will answer - nothing! And it’s possible and much easier:

    The video shows a very primitive scheme, with which the transmission of electricity through a single wire is demonstrated. In fact, to transmit electricity through a single wire at the moment does not make practical sense, in my opinion. This information is posted here only to show the possibility of transmitting energy and signals through the Earth.

    PS The article was written by Roma, who had long wanted to get on the hub, but now, I think, he will succeed in getting on the hub thanks to an invite from Veider . While I do not know the habraimeni Roman, but as soon as I find out - I will definitely post it here.

    PS 2This is the second person who participates in my experiment on "selling" invites. The essence of the experiment is that I sell an invite for an article. I believe that people who write articles are worthy to become habrapolzovatelyami. I didn’t give invites just like that after two invited people who, after a year of being on the hub, hadn’t done anything. I think you will understand me. Thanks.

    PS 3 Since the author was not able to fully convey the idea, I will tell you. In this case, capacitive energy works. Here we get the oscillatory circuit due to capacitance and high frequency. The EMF is induced in the secondary winding of the transformer, due to this we get the energy output from the other side of the wire.

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