Creating a local copy of Django documentation


    Yes, yes, it's me again and again about the Django documentation :) This time there will be no long translations, just a small note.

    So, if you want to always have access to the documentation for your favorite development tool, this topic is for you.


    1. Run the command line and install Sphinx:
      sudo easy_install sphinx

    2. Inside your directory with Django we find the docs folder, go into it and:
      make html

    3. That's all! Inside the docs we do:
      _build / html / index.html

    Windows: (the method provided overPlumbum , for which "thanks" to him :))

    1. Run the command line, go to the Scripts folder from the directory with Python and install Sphinx:
      cd C: \ Python26 \ Scripts
      easy_install sphinx

    2. Inside your directory with Django we find the docs folder, go into it and create two new sections:
      cd C: \ path_to_django_trunc \ docs
      mkdir _build \ html
      mkdir _build \ doctrees

    3. Using the installed Sphinx we create the documentation:
      C: \ Python26 \ Scripts \ sphinx-build.exe -b html -d _build / doctrees. _build / html

    4. Hurrah! Now the html version of the documentation is available here:
      C: \ path_to_django_trunc \ docs \ _build \ html \ index.html

    O miracle: now, even away from the Internet, you can read the documentation :)

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