Creating a local copy of Django documentation

Yes, yes, it's me again and again about the Django documentation :) This time there will be no long translations, just a small note.
So, if you want to always have access to the documentation for your favorite development tool, this topic is for you.
- Run the command line and install Sphinx:
sudo easy_install sphinx
- Inside your directory with Django we find the docs folder, go into it and:
make html
- That's all! Inside the docs we do:
_build / html / index.html
Windows: (the method provided overPlumbum , for which "thanks" to him :))
- Run the command line, go to the Scripts folder from the directory with Python and install Sphinx:
cd C: \ Python26 \ Scripts
easy_install sphinx - Inside your directory with Django we find the docs folder, go into it and create two new sections:
cd C: \ path_to_django_trunc \ docs
mkdir _build \ html
mkdir _build \ doctrees - Using the installed Sphinx we create the documentation:
C: \ Python26 \ Scripts \ sphinx-build.exe -b html -d _build / doctrees. _build / html
- Hurrah! Now the html version of the documentation is available here:
C: \ path_to_django_trunc \ docs \ _build \ html \ index.html
O miracle: now, even away from the Internet, you can read the documentation :)