Fan keyboard

Designers Yunsang Kim and Yunsang Park proposed the concept of a folding Keystick keyboard, made on the principle of a fan. This, according to their idea, should solve many problems inherent in modern conventional keyboards.

Firstly, such a structure of the keyboard will largely solve the problem of bacteria and dirt, which in conventional keyboards accumulate under the keys year after year and, as a result, lead to diseases of people. In the Keystick keyboard, garbage simply will not have where to accumulate.

Secondly, such a keyboard is more compact. In the assembled state, it will have a completely small size, comparable to the size of the remote control from a TV, music or multimedia center.

Thirdly, such a keyboard will be much more convenient to use than a regular one. After all, the usual convenience is often put on special legs so that it is at a slight angle with respect to the table. It’s more convenient for human fingers. And in the Keystick keyboard, each row of keys is already at a slight angle relative to the table.
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