Skype will no longer be present in the Medibuntu repository

    For several years, Skype in Ubuntu and its relatives could be installed in the traditional way, using the repository and two clicks.

    This repository was Medibuntu , which contained “entertainment” software and codecs that were not included in the main repositories for licensing and patent reasons.

    And on December 9, Lionel Le Folgoc, a developer from the Ubuntu Core Development Team and one of the Medibuntu maintainers, announced the removal of Skype from Medibuntu. This is how it is explained :

    It is somewhat problematic to support our Skype packages (skype, skype-common, skype-static and skype-static-oss), because [our] skype-common conflicts with packages on and it’s not easy to avoid this (unless you re-enable skype- common in skype and skype-static, which in itself is not easy). After some discussion on irc with Skype developers, I believe that the best solution would be to stop providing these packages. Skype will undoubtedly post the i386, amd64 and skype-static packages on

    At the moment, the packages will be moved to the * -staging repository, and after they are published on, we will delete them completely.

    Thus, for those who want to install Skype, it is now recommended that you download it directly from the site . Which, of course, is a little sad, because you can at least forget about the standard mechanism for updating packages.

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