TrentaQuattro - Refilled

    Episode One: Knights of the old republic
    He does not let us forget the rudiments of democracy in the 34th world
    A year ago, September 22, Denis Klimontov ( klim_danilov ) associates opened the project "TrentaQuattro" , which surprised many with an unusual registration system - sending its story to the court of the inhabitants of the site. I will not retell the events a year ago, anyone can familiarize themselves with them .

    In short, this site is a closed collective blog (I do not like this word, it is better a club, which better reflects what is happening there). And you don’t have to have friends inside to get an invite (you can’t buy it either) - for one simple reason: we don’t have any invites, anyone can send their story inside, a story about themselves or just somethingthat may interest us (we do not know what may interest us). People inside vote for each story (from the filing of maratori, we call these stories plizaproves), and every night a special customs droid looks: if more than 50% of active users voted for the story, then a registration link is issued to this person. Everything is simple. The subject of the site is not limited by anything, write what you want. And I will continue my story ...

    Closer to winter, the project, in the form in which it was, has exhausted itself - many factors affected that Denis had not taken into account in his time. In short, Denis was forced to close the project, leaving a stub on the site that they say there will soon be a new “trent” (or “quadra”, as some called it). Time passed, but there was no movement on the site. I, as one of the old-timers of old Quadra (and, I must admit, I liked the site very much), often asked Denis about the future of TQ. Denis replied that the work was worth it, the programmer was silent like a fish on ice, floor set, floor set. And so, in the late spring of this year, I wrote a letter to Denis in the mail ...

    Episode Two: Three Years of Hard Work and Ten Thousand Years of Great Happiness!
    After longing for Quadra, I asked Denis to contact Dmitry Stolpovskikh (Dio), the programmer of the project, so that he would somehow give me the source code of the site, which I, having secured the technical support of Nikolai Belikov, another soldier of the old guard (aka cre8r ), I wanted to put it at the old address, but at the new technical site. Denis said that the old code is probably lost forever. After which I hinted that it is possible to write new code and draw a new design (and, of course, it wasn’t preserved either, there aren’t even screenshots), and one of the interlocutors is clearly a programmer, and the second is a designer.
    So the impetus was given to the new version of Quadra, which both of us were incredibly happy about.

    The new site was called TrentaQuattro - Refilled which should symbolize tons of new ideas and interesting ideas (and there are enough of them, sorry for the immodesty). Not in the shortest possible time (work, after all) Denis made a site layout and from time to time pleased me with new HTML-files of different pages. I flexed my fingers and keys after a two-year break in programming, recalled drunken skills and, in the meanwhile, created Quadra. The process was very difficult and painful, we could not remember many details of the internal organization, we had to invent something on the go. We fantasized, invented, put up for discussion the most crazy ideas, which, after polishing, became new features, jokes and Easter eggs of the site. On the earliest versions of the site it was already clear that this would be not just a closed blog, but an entire organism, living by its own laws, simple on the outside, complex on the inside and damn human in every way. Literally breaking my chain after a long timeout in programming, I came up with and implemented new functionality (which surprised me sometimes more than Denis, who sometimes visited the construction site), which turned the site into what all sites that position themselves should be like Web 2.0, and TQ is positioning itself that way. Many people from the old TQ squad were invited, one of the old-timers somehow kept a whole archive of nicknames and addresses of many active users, whom we successfully invited for beta testing. I came up with and implemented all new functionality (sometimes surprising me even more than Denis, who sometimes went to the construction site), which turned the site into what all sites should be, which position themselves as Web 2.0, and TQ positions itself that way. Many people from the old TQ squad were invited, one of the old-timers somehow kept a whole archive of nicknames and addresses of many active users, whom we successfully invited for beta testing. I came up with and implemented all new functionality (sometimes surprising me even more than Denis, who sometimes went to the construction site), which turned the site into what all sites should be, which position themselves as Web 2.0, and TQ positions itself that way. Many people from the old TQ squad were invited, one of the old-timers somehow kept a whole archive of nicknames and addresses of many active users, whom we successfully invited for beta testing.

    Forgive me, the reader will forgive me for such a long introduction, but the history of the construction of the new Quadra itself is worthy of novelization and adaptation - indeed, the construction of the century!

    Episode Three: Knights of the new republic
    So, on October 15 of this year, at 15:00 Kyiv time (since I live and work in the hero city of Dnepropetrovsk) the server was, with fireworks, speeches and concerts of pop stars, solemnly filled with the golden code version 2.5γ. For convenience, the first version of TQ was named 1.0, and the updated one began to start with 2.0.

    NB By the way, trenta quattro in Italian means 34.

    The list of added functionality, in principle, does not make sense even trying to list, but I still try to at least outline the global changes. This is primarily a design. Although I didn’t draw anything more complicated than a circle and a square from the third grade, I must admit that the design has become much better - restrained or something. If earlier it was reckless sophomore, now it is the well-trained concierge of an expensive Swiss hotel (to formulate). Secondly, internal organization. Previously, the site had minimal interspersions of AJAX technology, but now the site is practically built on them, which gives a very high speed of movement through it. In addition, at the request of the user, the system can automatically load neighboring pages to speed up their loading. Every minute this homegrown cache is updated. To navigate through the pages of the site using our own development of our studio - Page`o`matic-9000. In the normal mode, its own Telegraph operates. In addition, the site does not accept sexual prejudice, therefore there are as many as four sexes: male, female, middle, as well as collective minds. Every week, on Monday evening at random, anyone who has time can choose a color for their own comments. Say yes to color differentiation! Fans of jabbering in HTML and javascripts will find a large number of Easter eggs, and those who like to hack something or fake an ajax request will have big surprises at all :) And finally, each user of the shopping center can vote for posting to the outside world. You can look at posts outside In the normal mode, its own Telegraph operates. In addition, the site does not accept sexual prejudice, therefore there are as many as four sexes: male, female, middle, as well as collective minds. Every week, on Monday evening at random, anyone who has time can choose a color for their own comments. Say yes to color differentiation! Fans of jabbering in HTML and javascripts will find a large number of Easter eggs, and those who like to hack something or fake an ajax request will have big surprises at all :) And finally, each user of the shopping center can vote for posting to the outside world. You can look at posts outside In the normal mode, its own Telegraph operates. In addition, the site does not accept sexual prejudice, therefore there are as many as four sexes: male, female, middle, as well as collective minds. Every week, on Monday evening at random, anyone who has time can choose a color for their own comments. Say yes to color differentiation! Fans of jabbering in HTML and javascripts will find a large number of Easter eggs, and those who like to hack something or fake an ajax request will have big surprises at all :) And finally, each user of the shopping center can vote for posting to the outside world. You can look at posts outside on Monday night at random, anyone who has time can choose a color for their own comments. Say yes to color differentiation! Fans of jabbering in HTML and javascripts will find a large number of Easter eggs, and those who like to hack something or fake an ajax request will have big surprises at all :) And finally, each user of the shopping center can vote for posting to the outside world. You can look at posts outside on Monday night at random, anyone who has time can choose a color for their own comments. Say yes to color differentiation! Fans of jabbering in HTML and javascripts will find a large number of Easter eggs, and those who like to hack something or fake an ajax request will have big surprises at all :) And finally, each user of the shopping center can vote for posting to the outside world. You can look at posts outside ) And finally - each user of the shopping center can vote for the post to the outside world. You can look at posts outside ) And finally - each user of the shopping center can vote for the post to the outside world. You can look at posts outsidehere .

    To the best of their ability, the site is helped by such things: the Smarty template engine, the MooTools javascript framework and the wonderful Jevix parser. Well, there, of course, there are a couple less, but they will not be offended.
    Quadra shows up nicely in these browsers: Safari, Chrome (and the rest of the webkit, in short), Firefox, IE (above version six) and even Opera I don't like.

    So, ladies and gentlemen, the 2002 “Ololo Tortures” Artel introduces you “TrentaQuattro - Refilled” and invites you ... It just invites.

    Stand to the end!

    PS And we don’t have karma at all.

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