Perfect university

    The Civilization 4 game inspired me to this post. There, science is studied according to this principle (clickable): To be able to study science, you need to know all the sciences from which the arrows go to the desired. The study of science makes it possible to build some buildings, units, forms of government to take new ones, gives new opportunities for workers and. etc. I would like to see a university built on the same principle. That is, you can begin to study absolutely any subject. To do this, you need to pass exams in all subjects that lead to this subject. After studying the subject, you can pass an exam on it and get a certificate. The more complex the subject, the steeper the certificate he gives.


    The current state system. this will not hinder specializations in any way: it is enough to introduce the subject “Specialist X”, for which all the required subjects must be set up, and the result of passing an exam in it will be a state-standard specialist diploma.

    In this case, you can not teach anything at all - the ability to take exams does not depend on whether you taught something here or not.

    Yes, I understand that in the West, many universities are built on a somewhat similar scheme, but still not so clean and simple.

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