Protection from the Dark Arts, Episode I
Hello, Habr!
Four of the 13 reports in the Mobius conference program , one way or another, are related to mobile application security issues.
The topic is hot and therefore we decided to further strengthen this topic at the conference !
We brought some security issues not covered in the reports to the round table discussion on protecting mobile applications

We asked some speakers to prepare topics for discussion at the round table. Participants in the discussion make small presentations on a particular topic . The moderator at this time vigilantly ensures that people do not deviate much from the topic.
By the way, so that people do not leave reports ahead of time, we asked specially trained KGB agents to monitor this. :)

The format of the classic report does not imply that the audience is much involved in the discussions. In the format of the round table, all participants will be able to participate in discussions with experts!
Which, often, have different opinions about problems, so completely new aspects may unexpectedly open up on the topic under discussion.
Moreover, with such communication informal contacts are easier to make!
Even though we made the reports on Mobius really big - 60 minutes, it is difficult to set out deeply and then discuss the topic!
And we have already said that for a deeper presentation of the topic, there is a format for evening reports , where about two hours are allotted for the presentation.
In general, we decided that at least part of the security questions should be put in a separate slot and allow the audience to participate in the discussion!
If you are interested in modern protection technologies, if you want to learn more about how your colleagues solve their problems, come and actively participate in the round table:troll , ask questions, clever, argue and argue!
All this will be March 14th at the conference: Mobius .
In the meantime, if you have something to add on security issues (for example, you think that topicsare no good, you can improve) or want to be an expert - comment!
Four of the 13 reports in the Mobius conference program , one way or another, are related to mobile application security issues.
The topic is hot and therefore we decided to further strengthen this topic at the conference !
We brought some security issues not covered in the reports to the round table discussion on protecting mobile applications

So what will it look like?
We asked some speakers to prepare topics for discussion at the round table. Participants in the discussion make small presentations on a particular topic . The moderator at this time vigilantly ensures that people do not deviate much from the topic.
By the way, so that people do not leave reports ahead of time, we asked specially trained KGB agents to monitor this. :)

What is a good round table format?
The format of the classic report does not imply that the audience is much involved in the discussions. In the format of the round table, all participants will be able to participate in discussions with experts!
Which, often, have different opinions about problems, so completely new aspects may unexpectedly open up on the topic under discussion.
Moreover, with such communication informal contacts are easier to make!
Impossible to embrace the immensity
Even though we made the reports on Mobius really big - 60 minutes, it is difficult to set out deeply and then discuss the topic!
And we have already said that for a deeper presentation of the topic, there is a format for evening reports , where about two hours are allotted for the presentation.
In general, we decided that at least part of the security questions should be put in a separate slot and allow the audience to participate in the discussion!
Experts will be:
- Yuri Buyanov, head of iOS development at e-Legion, specializes in banking software
- Alexandra Svatikova, Mobile Security Specialist, Luxoft
- Dmitry Desyatov, Head of Application Security, Luxoft
- Mikhail Dudarev, Ivan Kinash, founders of Licel, are engaged in writing tools for protecting mobile applications
- Maxim Bazaliy, iOS developer from Ignite
Topics for discussion are:
Mobile App Protection
- Developers misconceptions
- Integration with the development process (individual activity, a set of measures or a process?)
- Engineering practices (their systematization and generalization)
- Protection Tools
Banking Application Security
- Interaction with financial services
- Standards of protection, certification
- Bank security service
- Mobile Application Vulnerabilities
Examples of application vulnerabilities (web, social, banking, entertainment)
- Vulnerability as a means of earning
- Vulnerability Finding Methods and Tools
- Reverse engineering mobile apps
Typical Vulnerabilities
- Hacking methods and tools
- Platform Features
If you are interested in modern protection technologies, if you want to learn more about how your colleagues solve their problems, come and actively participate in the round table:
All this will be March 14th at the conference: Mobius .
In the meantime, if you have something to add on security issues (for example, you think that topics