Mobile devices in the bathroom

Recent studies have shown that almost half of the Japanese, at least once, took mobile devices to the bathroom. It could be a mobile phone, portable music player / player or game console. 41.2% of respondents used them in a relaxing bath. According to AFP (Agence France-Presse), statistics are similar to those collected at Sega: both by age and gender. One of the most common answers to the question “why are you taking devices to the bathroom with you” was “I want to quickly check my email”. The second common answer is "to listen to your favorite music." The organizers of the study believe that it may be in advertising. The fact is that cell phone manufacturers are positioning their devices as waterproof (or, as they say, “Bath-friendly”). Thus, high-tech devices are used constantly and almost everywhere. The Japanese can rightfully be considered a high-tech community.
PS: For reference, about 60% of mobile phones can be used not only for calls. They support mobile TV features. And a total of 20 million users of mobile operators have signed up for this service.
PS2: Based on therawfeed.com