Student self-development paths - a look after graduation
My comment on this post has grown to a separate post .
I’ll tell you right away what the proposed approach can give and where it came from.
Students are a great time when there is enough time to become an excellent specialist. This formation always takes some time. Say 3-5 years. The sooner you start, the earlier you become. It is very important, in my opinion, not to lose time.
In a programmer, what matters is not the technology that he owns, but his thinking and experience. The more technologies a programmer “feels” - the wider his horizons, the more approaches he knows, the easier it is to master something new.
My approach can help to become either a specialist very much in demand in organizations or vice versa - get rid of organizations - become a freelancer or an entrepreneur.
Described below is my personal experience and the experience of my best classmates, spared from some rake.
So, my advice to an IT student.
It is assumed that the student went to the 1st year after school and does not have practical skills (but for the fact that he does not yet have practical skills - he should get a spoon in the forehead for gouging!).
It is also assumed that the student is not interested in graduate school and scientific activities, and the student is not going to lose time on academics.
Course 1.
You need to program outside the curriculum and program a lot. For yourself - come up with puzzles and do them. It doesn't matter which technologies to use - those that are interesting.
The task of this paragraph is to get a hand, make programming a natural state for oneself, shape thinking. Self-completed projects (albeit small ones) are a huge bonus that will be your trump card for another three years. The second task is to learn how to organize your workflow, keep up with everything.
2 course.
Master the technology.
Look at what is now around, work with different languages, different programming environments. Continue to do independent projects.
And also - do DZ to lazy first-year students (for money!)
The objectives of this paragraph are to learn how to quickly learn (:-D) and expand the range of starting directions.
It is necessary that now, upon receipt of any new (albeit not very difficult) task, the student can open the documentation and begin to implement it. In addition, a small portfolio in all technologies will appear.
The item about money is included so that you are already starting to spin and learn to earn. Though a little, but this is already a search for "customers", it is already developing proactivity.
3 course.
You can get a part-time job at some company (and you will be happy to be hired without experience, because the first two courses demonstrate your activity, desire and willingness to learn and work), or you can start freelancing. The first option gives growth as a programmer, specialist and developer. The second option develops slightly different skills - proactivity, communication, survival.
The objectives of this paragraph are to learn to evaluate oneself, to learn to look at projects from the side of the consumer and his needs, to form self-esteem and self-esteem (very important!). Well, pump what you directly need.
4 course.
At the 4th course, there is a minimum of time to determine the vector of your movement further. If you decide to be a valuable person, you need to develop skills to work with specific technologies - study fresh materials, set new tasks - become a guru in a chosen direction.
If you choose the path of a freelancer / entrepreneur, you need to determine the range of technologies that will be needed to solve problems, you need to actively develop the portfolio and increase the volume of orders, establish relationships with customers, learn to negotiate and provide information to inexperienced customers.
The objectives of this paragraph are to prepare a solid platform for further development.
5 course.
Grow up.
The 5th course is the last year when the need to earn is not yet critical (you can quite afford to earn a little, for example). On the 5th course, you can still change something with minimal loss.
There is no clear boundary between the 4th and 5th courses in this “plan”. You need to start when you feel it's time.
I consider the 5th course as a platform for take-off. Preflight preparation is already completed, you need to take off.
If the path of a valuable shot is chosen, then career growth must begin. I believe that it is better not to go over the head, but to advance due to personal qualities. Therefore, these qualities should be developed - one must become a good architect, designer, take initiative in the development of projects, put forward ideas, argue with superiors. All this must be done regardless of the growth prospects specifically in your company - you need to train the necessary skills and thinking in yourself.
If you have chosen the path of a freelancer / entrepreneur, you need to take projects more and more and begin to assemble a team who will work on projects together with you. First, you can delegate small tasks, and then more and more technical work. The client base, portfolio and ability to communicate with customers will help you find the right project.
What next?
And then you are already old enough and experienced person to understand what you need and where to move.
Slender turned out picture, right? Great) And now, take everything together, mix, add 30% errors, 2 dozen rakes there. Season to taste - with salt, if you are a pessimist, pepper - if an optimist ;-) The
following questions remained behind the post:
1. What specific technologies should be looked at, where to take tasks for self-development
2. How to combine all this with a full life and what is the place in this girls are all occupied (and this is important !!!)
3. Personal growth and personal development (this is also extremely important)
I may answer these questions separately.
But honestly, everything that is described above and will be discussed in these matters can be formulated in one line:
Always keep developing!
I’ll tell you right away what the proposed approach can give and where it came from.
Students are a great time when there is enough time to become an excellent specialist. This formation always takes some time. Say 3-5 years. The sooner you start, the earlier you become. It is very important, in my opinion, not to lose time.
In a programmer, what matters is not the technology that he owns, but his thinking and experience. The more technologies a programmer “feels” - the wider his horizons, the more approaches he knows, the easier it is to master something new.
My approach can help to become either a specialist very much in demand in organizations or vice versa - get rid of organizations - become a freelancer or an entrepreneur.
Described below is my personal experience and the experience of my best classmates, spared from some rake.
So, my advice to an IT student.
It is assumed that the student went to the 1st year after school and does not have practical skills (but for the fact that he does not yet have practical skills - he should get a spoon in the forehead for gouging!).
It is also assumed that the student is not interested in graduate school and scientific activities, and the student is not going to lose time on academics.
Course 1.
You need to program outside the curriculum and program a lot. For yourself - come up with puzzles and do them. It doesn't matter which technologies to use - those that are interesting.
The task of this paragraph is to get a hand, make programming a natural state for oneself, shape thinking. Self-completed projects (albeit small ones) are a huge bonus that will be your trump card for another three years. The second task is to learn how to organize your workflow, keep up with everything.
2 course.
Master the technology.
Look at what is now around, work with different languages, different programming environments. Continue to do independent projects.
And also - do DZ to lazy first-year students (for money!)
The objectives of this paragraph are to learn how to quickly learn (:-D) and expand the range of starting directions.
It is necessary that now, upon receipt of any new (albeit not very difficult) task, the student can open the documentation and begin to implement it. In addition, a small portfolio in all technologies will appear.
The item about money is included so that you are already starting to spin and learn to earn. Though a little, but this is already a search for "customers", it is already developing proactivity.
3 course.
You can get a part-time job at some company (and you will be happy to be hired without experience, because the first two courses demonstrate your activity, desire and willingness to learn and work), or you can start freelancing. The first option gives growth as a programmer, specialist and developer. The second option develops slightly different skills - proactivity, communication, survival.
The objectives of this paragraph are to learn to evaluate oneself, to learn to look at projects from the side of the consumer and his needs, to form self-esteem and self-esteem (very important!). Well, pump what you directly need.
4 course.
At the 4th course, there is a minimum of time to determine the vector of your movement further. If you decide to be a valuable person, you need to develop skills to work with specific technologies - study fresh materials, set new tasks - become a guru in a chosen direction.
If you choose the path of a freelancer / entrepreneur, you need to determine the range of technologies that will be needed to solve problems, you need to actively develop the portfolio and increase the volume of orders, establish relationships with customers, learn to negotiate and provide information to inexperienced customers.
The objectives of this paragraph are to prepare a solid platform for further development.
5 course.
Grow up.
The 5th course is the last year when the need to earn is not yet critical (you can quite afford to earn a little, for example). On the 5th course, you can still change something with minimal loss.
There is no clear boundary between the 4th and 5th courses in this “plan”. You need to start when you feel it's time.
I consider the 5th course as a platform for take-off. Preflight preparation is already completed, you need to take off.
If the path of a valuable shot is chosen, then career growth must begin. I believe that it is better not to go over the head, but to advance due to personal qualities. Therefore, these qualities should be developed - one must become a good architect, designer, take initiative in the development of projects, put forward ideas, argue with superiors. All this must be done regardless of the growth prospects specifically in your company - you need to train the necessary skills and thinking in yourself.
If you have chosen the path of a freelancer / entrepreneur, you need to take projects more and more and begin to assemble a team who will work on projects together with you. First, you can delegate small tasks, and then more and more technical work. The client base, portfolio and ability to communicate with customers will help you find the right project.
What next?
And then you are already old enough and experienced person to understand what you need and where to move.
Slender turned out picture, right? Great) And now, take everything together, mix, add 30% errors, 2 dozen rakes there. Season to taste - with salt, if you are a pessimist, pepper - if an optimist ;-) The
following questions remained behind the post:
1. What specific technologies should be looked at, where to take tasks for self-development
2. How to combine all this with a full life and what is the place in this girls are all occupied (and this is important !!!)
3. Personal growth and personal development (this is also extremely important)
I may answer these questions separately.
But honestly, everything that is described above and will be discussed in these matters can be formulated in one line:
Always keep developing!