One year is also an anniversary! Dedicated to those who have not forgotten how to read books;)

    The social network of book lovers BookMix.ruFans of reading in the metro on the way to work, in a comfortable chair with a cup of coffee, book lovers and book lovers of various categories, had a reason for a small celebration - the social network of book lovers for one year already. For those who still have not discovered this project or just in a hurry on business, passing by, but forgot to return to get to know him better, and this article has been written ...

    What was a year ago ...

    Having been in the excavations of the cultural layer of the Internet, I found the following lines:
    “On the Internet, a social network of book lovers has appeared , where a unique atmosphere has been created, conducive to communicating with like-minded people ... for those who are eager to express their thoughts about books read and get acquainted with opinions other participants ... reading books is not just a useful activity that develops intellectual abilities and general knowledge, reading books is a way of life ... "

    You probably can’t say better, although the project is definitely not only for “reading fans”, here everyone can create a personal online library, put the books read “on the shelves”, gather useful information about a book and save valuable time on reading something that really should not be touched.

    After some time, a local article dated to the first month of the project’s life was unearthed and carefully restored. No one will describe these steps better than an eyewitness of the first steps of the project, therefore I provide a link to a description of the main functionality and what was previously thanks to eretik .

    What now?

    I myself have been on the site for about six months and the first thing that caught my eye and what I first encountered was the speed of reaction to the wishes of users. If someone offers some really useful innovation, he can be sure that: firstly, they will be answered immediately, and secondly, after a while, sometimes, a couple of hours (yes, hours), the innovation will work in full on the project. We are, of course, talking about some small functionalities, but it is a fact - I have never been able to meet a more rapid support service.
    As for the functional as a whole, useful innovations here occur on a regular basis.

    The second is a nice design and user-friendly interface, which over the past six months has been supplemented by various “utilities” and therefore has become even more convenient(although there is still work to do, UI experts will support me :) .

    The social network of book lovers

    Third - contests of reviews and essays are now regularly held with prizes pleasant to any reader. And of the most recent useful and long-awaited innovations, I will mark the beginning of a cycle of online meetings with the authors of books , which is an undoubted and fat plus of the project.

    Fourth - a mandatory recommendatory component in such cases, which makes it easy to find “ to read? ".

    Fifth, sixth and tenth - a pleasant circle of friends, overgrown with new interesting participants and discussions. And although I myself am more likely a reader than a writer, not to note the increase in the mass of useful information coming from the mouthfingers beating on the keyboard, participants are growing every day.

    Well, in the twenties, I can not recommend to get acquainted with the project and, perhaps, to purchase for myself another resource from the category of "must have" in the bookmarks.


    I would like to wish the creators of the project success, the implementation of current plans, new ideas, user support and, accordingly, regular anniversaries!

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