Runner visiting PA AdLabs

    On June 11, Begun employees came to visit us. It has already become a good tradition - to organize training once a year, exchange experience, discuss market trends, argue, conduct certification and improve the skills of employees. This year the training was called “Increasing Sales”, which is very important in the new market conditions.
    We prepared the training for quite some time. We collected questions from managers regarding work with the Begun system, divided them into groups by topics, arranged a brainstorming session - generated questions all together. They came up with how to make the training interesting.
    The training began with a small certification of employees. We divided into two teams and answered the questions that the Runner prepared for us. The winning team received J prizes from the Runner.

    The training program was very intense. Svetlana Ermachenkova, Leading Customer Relationship Manager, Begun Personal Services Department,
    described how Begun employees themselves plan advertising campaigns. She analyzed the real cases of our agency in order to compare approaches to media planning.
    A lot of attention at the training was given to the thematic network “Runner”. Contextual advertising has long ceased to be perceived only as advertising in search engines (search advertising). The Internet changes over time - people live on the Internet, they use it differently than before. Accordingly, they not only use search, but spend a lot of time on other resources (these are popular social networks, blogs, forums, information resources, etc.).
    In many topics, search traffic is not enough for the client to get the result that was expected. Network traffic is cheaper, it is more, but, of course, the conversion in networks is lower than with search. In general, in many topics, the number of customers attracted from networks is greater due to the amount of traffic.
    When solving many problems without connecting networks, it is impossible to achieve a result - therefore, one should not forget about this when planning advertising campaigns. The thematic network "Runner" is growing, and the share of search traffic from Rambler is falling. "Runner" is very different as a contextual advertising system from Yandex.Direct, because the share of search traffic is small. And you can’t plan to place in “Runner” as well as Yandex.Direct is planned.
    We also talked separately about the ICD on Rambler. We remembered once again where it is better to use this medium. Do not forget that in topics with a high transition cost, ICD may be cheaper.
    Aleksey Romanenkov, Beguna Commercial Director, spoke about the “Classics of Marketing in Internet Advertising”. A lot of interesting information was devoted to demographic targeting - the Runner has a lot of experience using this setting. Alexey’s performances are always vivid and memorable. He showed several videos on the topic, which the audience perceived with a bang.
    Vram Sargsyan, specialist of the “Runner” dealer department, presented the new “Runner” interface. While many functions are not yet available, but gradually there will be more features in the new interface. It is much more convenient than the previous one.
    Toward the close, the agency and employees were awarded diplomas. Everyone spoke out with what he remembered this training day.
    Such meetings allow you to take something new for your work, expand your look and look differently at already familiar things. “Runner” team - thanks for the new material, valuable advice and positive emotions. We will increase sales!

    Nadezhda Shilova RA Adlabs

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