Web Proxy Service for Opera Unite

    A new service for Opera Unite allowing you to go to local sites is something that was missing ...

    It just became interesting how to do it ... after reading a bit of documentation this service was written ...

    Web Proxy service provides full-featured remote access to the local web server, allowing you to execute PHP / Perl scripts / Python etc

    It is convenient to use for developers to demonstrate to clients unfinished web projects.

    Supports: GET / POST methods, AJAX calls, cookie authorization, redirects, and more.

    Requires: local Apache web server / nginx / other.

    Instructions for use:
    1) during installation, specify the folder htdocs / web / www, which is the root of the domain to which we want to give access
    2) right after installation, right-click on the service -> Properties -> in the field "Address" write the name of the domain by which the site is accessible locally, for example mynewsite.local
    3) start the service and give the link to the client, not forgetting to replace unite: / / at http: //

    That's it.

    Use ...

    Download here: webproxy.us

    The author of the service is not me, but Javer ( unite@javer.kiev.ua ).

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