Hidden microblogging promotion
Not so long ago, a new service Tweem.ru appeared on the network that allows you to organize advertising campaigns on microblogs of the social network Twitter, as well as in service aggregators such as Friendfeed. The service allows you to organize advertising on the basis of hidden marketing and deliver information about your products or services directly to the target audience. In addition, a lively discussion, in turn, can help your company identify both the strengths and weaknesses of your product.
The Tweem.ru service enables Twitter users and Friendfeed type aggregators to monetize their microblogs. You have worked for your name for a long time, now let your name work for you. The more popular your microblog, the more you can earn.
You yourself control which advertisements to publish on your microblog, as well as the frequency of publications. We made a limit of 3 commercial posts per day so that bloggers would not be tempted to overload their channels with advertising. Remember that people may not like the abundance of advertising in your microblog and they will begin to unsubscribe, which in turn will lead to losses.
If you don’t have enough readers yet or just recently started your microblog and don’t know how to attract an audience to your person, order a promotion on our website. If you have a non-profit microblog, then advertising will cost you 2 times cheaper than commercial advertisers.
At the moment, the site is at the stage of closed beta testing. Owners of microblogging are invited to take part in testing.
The Tweem.ru service enables Twitter users and Friendfeed type aggregators to monetize their microblogs. You have worked for your name for a long time, now let your name work for you. The more popular your microblog, the more you can earn.
You yourself control which advertisements to publish on your microblog, as well as the frequency of publications. We made a limit of 3 commercial posts per day so that bloggers would not be tempted to overload their channels with advertising. Remember that people may not like the abundance of advertising in your microblog and they will begin to unsubscribe, which in turn will lead to losses.
If you don’t have enough readers yet or just recently started your microblog and don’t know how to attract an audience to your person, order a promotion on our website. If you have a non-profit microblog, then advertising will cost you 2 times cheaper than commercial advertisers.
At the moment, the site is at the stage of closed beta testing. Owners of microblogging are invited to take part in testing.