Ability to adapt media corporations to life 2.0

    Why can media corporations not see an excellent way out of their situation today?

    How many words there were about the need to adapt them and provide high-quality content for a small amount of money - you can’t count. Why, in order to buy a movie or a song I like, I must either google for a long time in order to find a thing that interests me, or go somewhere and buy a disk I do not need just to transfer it to hard disk and throw it away?

    Next will be presented a far from new idea, the implementation of which is still in no hurry to embark on media giants

    In the terminology of a recent topicI belong to the transitional stage between the “ordinary pirate” and the “philosophizing pirate,” and this does not prevent me from hoping that someday it will be possible to buy cheap licensed media products in electronic form.

    Actually, the idea:
    Media Corporation (ideally - everything) creates a kind of social. a network with all its resources. That's it, period.
    Naturally, the jump should be paid, easy and fast.
    Next to the music, you can upload texts, chords, each track individually, etc.
    Films in different quality for different prices, with thematic wallpapers, trailers, descriptions, links to blogs of actors, directors, screenwriters, etc. New films are only in average quality and more expensive than everyone else.

    All paid mp3-collection-for-free sites are far behind.
    A huge number of people who are too lazy to go somewhere or feel sorry to give 300 rubles per movie disc for 1 time, but deep in their hearts are scared / ashamed to download for free, pay a penny per jump and bring huge amounts of revenue to media corporations. Especially in comparison with the zero that they get now for the jump by this people of the same from torrents.
    The ingenious design of the site (and enough money for this) and a mega-convenient search makes users idolize these corporations - heavenly life!
    Rare films and songs in better quality for them, 100% full content, waiting for their jump for a penny - this is social. the network will become the most popular!
    There you can shove the standard methods of monetization of social services. networks.
    It’s also not difficult to find out the opinion of users about this idea now - take at least the latest idea of ​​facebook on monetizing personal data of users.

    I do not see this as a problem, so what is the matter?

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