Flush 0.4 released (GTK-based BitTorrent client)

    A few months ago I wrote about the release of the first (0.1) version of my BitTorrent client. Since then, Flush has grown to version 0.4. Since the first version, most likely, not everyone will decide to install, and even it could not have any functions that would have prevented Flush from being used, I decided that it was time to remind once again of the existence of this BitTorrent client. I have been using it since the first version and made it what I think the BitTorrent client should be. If your preferences coincide with mine, then perhaps you will like it.

    The reasons that made me write my own BitTorrent client, I set out hereso I won’t repeat myself. I think it’s best to give a list of changes compared to Flush 0.1 and screenshots, which often can say much more than any Changelog. :)

    Major changes (a full list of changes can be found by reading Changelog):
    • Creating your own torrents;
    • Renaming both the torrent itself and its files when adding;
    • Support for non-UTF-8 locales (Since libtorrent only supports the UTF-8 locale, in the first versions the client could work correctly only with it. In later versions I managed to “trick” libtorrent and make it work with other locales.) ;
    • Details tab, displaying information about the currently selected torrent.
    • The Options tab, in which you can change the list of torrent trackers and enable the sequential download mode (in this mode, downloading parts of the torrent is not random, but sequentially, starting from the first bytes and ending with the last).
    • Enable / disable DHT and restore when starting the last DHT session.
    • Enable / disable LSD, Peer exchange, UPnP, NAT-PMP and Smart ban.
    • Ability to set the priority for downloading each torrent file.
    • The source package now comes in two versions: regular and bundle. Bundle differs from the usual one in that it includes the libconfig and libtorrent libraries for static linking. This is done to simplify compilation on those distributions that do not contain these libraries.
    • Statistics for the current session and for all the time.
    • The ability to specify a command that will be used to open torrent files.

    Screenshots: As before, the source and deb packages for Ubuntu-8.10-i386 and Ubuntu-8.10-x86-64 can be downloaded here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/flush/ .

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