Testing WEB applications on IE browsers under Linux

    To test the WEB application under Linux, I use Wine, which successfully launches IE6 and Safari (without SSL). Google Chrome plainly failed to start. About IE7 and IE8 with ies4linux I will not say anything.

    After a short search on Google, I found images of virtual machines under Virtual PC with trial Windows . It seems that it is necessary, but alas, Virtual PC for Linux does not exist. Fortunately, the latest versions (2.x) of VirtualBox can work with VHD images.

    Instructions for starting a trial'nik Windows with IE7:
    1) Install Wine.
    sudo apt-get install wine
    2) Install VirtualBox
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox
    3) Download the archive with the image “IE7-XPSP3.exe” and execute the command:
    wine IE7-XPSP3.exe
    In the wizard, unpack the archive.
    5) We launch VirtualBox, create a guest system, select the type of OS - Windows XP, set the memory size to about 300Mb (should be enough), add the existing image “XP SP3 with IE7 2008-Dec.vhd” as a hard disk.
    6) Run the virtual machine in Safe Mode (press F8 before the Windows boot screen appears).
    7) After loading through Run, run the following commands: 8) Reboot the virtual machine. 9) Install software for guest OS:
    sc config processor start= disabled
    sc config intelppm start= disabled

    wget download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.0.4/VBoxGuestAdditions_2.0.4.iso
    And then mount the ISO image in the guest OS. Install the driver, reboot.
    10) Enjoy life.

    Alas, the subsequent addition of trial guest OS causes an error:
    A hard disk with UUID {b6202eec-1791-b921-4c0c-4306e34cc487} or with the same properties ('/home/user/XP SP3 with IE7 2008-Dec.vhd') is already registered.
    So you have to convert disk images as follows:
    11) Install qemu (sudo apt-get install qemu).
    12) We execute the command:
    qemu-img convert -f vpc XP\ SP3\ with\ IE7\ 2008-Dec.vhd -O raw XPIE7.bin
    To convert the VHD image to binary.
    13) Then:
    vboxmanage convertdd XPIE7.bin XPIE7.vdi
    To create a VDI image from a binary image.
    Here I note that direct conversion from VHD to VDI creates a familiar image
    14) Add the resulting VDI image to a new virtual machine.
    15) We repeat paragraph 7.

    - The Trilnik does not require a license, therefore there should be no problems with the law.
    - Everything works on completely free software.
    - Every 3-4 months you need to download new images. The last trial image will be expired on April 1st.

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