
KlavaDict is a web application for memorizing foreign words. At the moment, three dictionaries are presented: English-Russian, German-Russian and Esperanto-Russian. The principle of operation is that a Russian or a foreign word is displayed and 5 translation options, among them there is only one correct one that you need to choose. In case of an error, the correct option will be highlighted, and this word will become more common until it is finally fixed in memory. One lesson lasting 5-10 minutes (100 words), although you can interrupt at any time, this will not affect the learning outcome. I guarantee that after the first lesson, learn a few new words, unless of course you already know all the words from the dictionary.
The numbering of the items is made so that you can select options using the numeric keypad.
When you click on the title, you can return to the beginning, on the dictionary selection screen, though in this case the statistics are reset.
The application is optimized for small screens, can be used on iPhone / iPod Touch (possibly on other platforms, I don’t have the opportunity to test now).
KlavaDict is still at the development stage, dictionaries for other languages are being prepared, and more voluminous for existing ones, now frequency dictionaries of 2-3 thousand words are used.
UPD: added advanced dictionary (2) with many translation options; the penalty words are now the same, and not one of the options; fixed bug with duplicate options.