Compiler via SMS

    Reading Startups, it seems to me that all the crazy ideas have already been invented and for a year now someone has been trying to make money on each of them. Particularly good ideas are to split something free into pieces and sell the pieces individually.

    Nevertheless, I will try to say a new crazy word - the mobile online compiler .

    The idea is that the user sends the Java source code via SMS to the service, in response to an SMS, receiving a byte code directly for their phone. Then it remains to interrupt this code in the JAR - and that's it, half an hour of torment and the program is ready.

    What for?Well, everything is clear - writing code is cool, and especially cool - for a mobile device. Or, suppose you are on an uninhabited tropical island, you don’t have a computer, laptop, PDA, and even an enormous size of cockroaches gnawed at your notebook - and there’s a mobile phone with charging - you need to somehow compile the code in this situation. A little bad thing is that Java is not so cool these days.

    Profit! SMS-ki is a source of money! You can even make them for 6 10 dollars. And if someone suddenly manages to do something useful, then it will be possible to use it (note - do not forget to write it in EULA)

    In general, the only designer for posters in the electric train is missing “the more code is compiled, the more you’re not a sucker ".

    PS * smiley *
    ZZY Question - is it my one feeling from the creators of startups?

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