Google Announces New Network Transparency Tool: Measurement Lab

    Google  announced the opening of the " Measurement Lab. "
    From the  site description :

    M-labMeasurement Lab ( M-Lab ) is an open, distributed server platform for researchers designed to deploy measuring instruments. The main goal of  M-Lab is to expand the study of the network and provide users with useful information about their connection to the Internet. By increasing the transparency of the Internet,  M-Lab helps maintain cleanliness on the Internet.

    Here is what M-Lab is rich in  :

    User Tools

    Many researchers are already developing tools that allow users to explore their connection using a server located  somewhere on the Internet. The M-Lab platform  will help in the distribution of these tools.

    Open platform for researchers

    M-Labs helps  research scientists by providing distributed servers and extensive research capabilities. A resource on the M-Lab platform will be allocated for each instrument  to improve the quality of measurements. Tools for use on servers will be openly licensed and manageable, which will allow third parties to develop their own client software for measurements.

    Open to all

    All data collected in the  M-Lab will be available to the research community and will expand the research network.

    On the tools page  now available and working:
    • Network Diagnostic Tool
      A tool for testing connection speed and identifying speed limit problems.
    • Glasnost
      BitTorrent Service Availability Testing.
    • Network Path and Application Diagnosis
      Diagnose major network problems.

    The idea is very good and correct. I hope she gets a decent development.

    Taken here.

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