Analysis of buyers online bookstore

    A little over a year ago, my partner and I founded an online bookstore . This year we learned a lot about e-commerce in Ukraine. And I would like to share some information with you again. I already wrote about  payment systems in Ukraine and  problems with UkrPoshta . Today I would like to analyze our customers - who they are, where they live, how they prefer to pay, etc.

    Gender distribution

    • Men - 37%
    • Women - 63%

    The number of registered buyers.

    Despite the fact that when registering the user is given a 3% discount, most purchases were completely unregistered users.

    Unregistered customers made 69% of purchases, while registered customers made only 31%.

    Geographical distribution.


    Since our store is Ukrainian, most of our customers were from Ukraine:
    • Ukraine - 91%
    • Russia - 9%

    Kiev or not Kiev:
    Despite the strong opinion that only metropolitan residents buy online, our statistics indicate the opposite. Although, undoubtedly, the proportion of Kiev orders is much larger than in other regional centers.

    • Kiev - 28%
    • Other cities - 72%

    Regional centers or not:
    Most of our customers are from regional centers, although there were very small villages in which there are no names for the streets, and the postman knows everyone.

    • Regional centers - 65%
    • Non-regional centers - 35%

    Order Amount and Payment Methods

    Order price:

    • Order amounts less than 100 hryvnias (~ 500 rubles) - 45%
    • Order amounts from 100 (~ 500 rubles) to 199 hryvnias (~ 999 rubles) - 39%
    • Order amounts from 200 (~ 1000 rubles) to 299 hryvnias (~ 1499 rubles) - 13%
    • Order amounts from 300 (~ 1500 rubles) to 399 UAH (~ 1999 rubles) - 1%
    • Order amounts from 400 (~ 2000 rubles) to 499 UAH (~ 2499 rubles) - 2%

    Unfortunately, we did not receive orders with an amount of more than 500 hryvnias (~ 2500 rubles). But this can also be explained by the fact that we do not have many expensive books.

    Type of payment:
    In Ukraine, people are still incredulous about prepayments in online stores. Perhaps this is due to the problem of the lack of Internet acquiring in Ukraine.

    Of all orders,
    • prepaid orders - 18%
    • Postpay - 82%

    Method of payment:
    Due to such a large number of post-payments, in the statistics of payment methods cash on delivery has gone far ahead.

    • Cash on delivery (UkrPoshta) - 79%
    • Payment through a bank (payment order or account) - 9%
    • Payment by card online - 6%
    • Cash - 3%
    • Unistream transfers - 2%
    • Webmoney - 1%


    In the sphere of delivery, the leading cash on delivery operator, UkrPoshta, is also the leader.

    • UkrPoshta - 72%
    • Couriers delivered - 21% of packages.
    • The remaining 7% went to buyers with the help of road carriers or were picked up at the office.


    In Ukraine, you can and should develop e-commerce. First of all, it needs to be developed in the regions. And this should be done both by you and the state with banks. I hope my analysis helps someone get started. Personally, when we started, I lacked such a review.

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