How does the Orthodox Church relate to multidimensional spaces?
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Nikolay Antonov, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Dear Fr. Oleg.
I have a question. How does the Orthodox Church relate to the multidimensional and even infinite-dimensional spaces of Banach, Hilbert in higher mathematics, as well as to the geometry of Lobachevsky, which contradicts the geometry of Euclid?
Sincerely, Nikolay Antonov.
The answer of Father Oleg Molenko:
Nikolai, the Holy Church of Christ, which has always been, is and will be Orthodox, does not apply to the multidimensional spaces of Banach, Hilbert or the geometry of Lobachevsky. The Church has its infinite and immeasurable space - the spiritual space or the spiritual world.
Of course, ecclesiastical people of every generation have one or another attitude to the various theories, hypotheses, and discoveries that arise from science and its representatives. For example, this is how St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), one of the most educated people of his time, related to earth sciences: “Science! Give me, if you can give, either eternal, positive, give anything inalienable and true, worthy to be called the property of man! “The sciences were silent.” After this great holy father, can I repeat in relation to the theories you mentioned: Banach, Hilbert and Lobachevsky with your theories, what can you give me and other people for their eternity? Can your theories help people be saved? Do they help piety and god-pleasing? - Banach, Hilbert and Lobachevsky are silent. Yes, and what can they answer?
Earthly science is based on the opinion of people and, as such, bears in itself all their weaknesses and errors, brought to human nature by the fall. That is why it is changeable, contradictory, highly intelligent, unstable and unreliable. In it, out of respect for the human mind (in fact, carnal wisdom and arrogance), various opinions of various "sages" are collected, which are wise in their own right and are called by this world "scientists." The world glorifies some of them and calls them “outstanding scientists” or “luminaries of science”. We Christians are disciples of Christ, and they are “scholars,” that is, as if “gods” for other people. Not only do these “gods” often contradict each other, argue and swear among themselves, so they are so far from other people in their brains and constructions that their “constructions” can no longer be understood or verified.
But even these scientists themselves do not dare to speak of their works as divine revelation. They, bashfully avoiding God and His truth, call their works theories, hypotheses and discoveries. If Christians live by revelation, then scientists live by revelation. Revelations are any knowledge received from God. Discoveries are the knowledge about some elements or things of God's creation, obtained, although through the work of a scientist, but as if by a thieves' way. After all, scientists discover only those properties, laws, and laws that are created by God. If a scientist understands this, recognizes and publicly professes, then this is an honest scientist. If the scientist does not see the Lawgiver behind the laws, but behind the Creator’s creations, then this is a thief, a rogue and a liar.
In addition to honesty, the scientist must be clearly aware of the limits of what is permissible and unacceptable in his research. To do this, he must be a Christian and always pray to God for admonition. But even so, the work of an honest and God-fearing scientist has only applied significance for this temporary life. Scientific theories are already free thinking about one or another discovery. That is why they have no value or value to the Church. Scientific hypotheses are canned lies that serve Satan, the father of lies. Often theories and hypotheses become deadly poison for many people. This is clearly seen in the history of the influence of the so-called "Darwin theory of the origin of species", which blasphemously affirmed the lie that the person allegedly descended from a monkey. How many countries and peoples remain poisoned by the poison of Darwinism to this day! In this sense, the theories of Banach, Hilbert and Lobachevsky are not so dangerous for people. Apparently, for this reason, Satan did not particularly promote them. It is much more profitable for him to promote the ravings of Nostradamus, rumors of aliens or the theory of the initial explosion. “In the beginning there was an explosion ...” - this is the beginning of the satanic revelation. Apparently, therefore, his ministers - the possessed revolutionaries and terrorists - loved and explode so much. For them, the beginning and end is an explosion. That is why I am changing the learned Banach to any unlearned but praying monk! Apparently, therefore, his ministers - the possessed revolutionaries and terrorists - loved and explode so much. For them, the beginning and end is an explosion. That is why I am changing the learned Banach to any unlearned but praying monk! Apparently, therefore, his ministers - the possessed revolutionaries and terrorists - loved and explode so much. For them, the beginning and end is an explosion. That is why I am changing the learned Banach to any unlearned but praying monk!
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