10K Smart Coding Challenge

    Brevity is the sister of talent, isn't it? Imagine that you need to create a web application that fits only 10 Kb.

    What would you do? How would you do that?

    10K Smart Coding Challenge is a great chance to show your creative skills, show your ability to optimize and fight for every byte!

    The main prize of the competition is a trip to MIX09, including travel to the venue, accommodation for three days at The Venetian Hotel and a Visa gift card with $ 1,500 in the account.

    The winner of the community voting results will receive a Visa card with $ 1,500 in the account as a gift. Three more participantsThose who take the subsequent places will receive a Visa card with $ 500. Winners will be announced after the community vote closes on February 13, 2009.

    All participants whose work will be featured in the MIX gallery will receive special T-shirts with the MIX 10K logo.

    Official rules with a detailed explanation of the conditions of participation, requirements for applications and a description of the prizes.

    Send your application as early as possible ! The sooner you do this, the greater your chance of gaining recognition from the members of the web community.


    A bit about job requirements
    • Source files and images embedded in a web application cannot total more than 10Kb (in uncompiled form); only xaml, cs, vb files (or any other language) and embedded resources are taken into account.
    • The web application must be a Silverlight application or WPF application that acts as the XAML Browser Application (XAB).
    • A web application cannot include third-party sources, libraries, or assemblies. It is allowed to use data from third-party web services, provided that their use by your application is allowed under license agreements of these services.
    • Judging the work of participants will take into account the originality, design / UX and functionality of the web application.

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