MTV has identified the coolest brands of 2008: Coca-Cola winner

    Brand ratings according to MTV. “To be cool for young people requires being original, popular and attractive. Friends, music and celebrities fall into the category of “cool” without any problems, but teachers have to work hard to get into it. ”

    As for the products, teenagers consider it cool: mobile phones, denim brands, game consoles and shoes. Whereas banks, travel agencies and coffee brands are deeply indifferent to them. At the same time, a brand can become “cool”, skillfully and consistently building its marketing policy. All this was discovered during a large-scale study among 1778 Belgian teenagers aged 13 and up to 29 years old, which was conducted by InSites Consulting in late August for MTV Networks.

    The aim of the MTV Networks study, which manages the
    TMF and MTV channels , was to identify an abstract formula for the “steepness” of a product. As part of the study, 274 young people kept special online diaries describing their impressions of “cool” and, conversely, “bespontovye” things. Then, the collected data was supplemented by questioning the remaining participants, and ultimately the resulting “formula” was applied to evaluate various global brands in 35 different categories.

    For the third year in a row, MTV Networks based on the study held the Cool Brand Awards. Like last year, Coca-Cola won the title of “Coolest Brand Award”. At least 10% of young people surveyed spontaneously called this brand the “coolest”. Nike, like last year, was only in second place, and Esprit - took third.

    The winner in the “coolest” mobile phone category (Coolest Mobile phone) was, of course, the Apple iPhone. Being a newcomer to the ranking, the iPhone nevertheless scored 8.3 points out of 10 possible, leaving far behind all competitors. Last year's winner, Nokia, was only in third place after Samsung. Mobistar was named the coolest mobile operator, while last year it was Proximus, which in 2008 was only in third place.

    In addition, this year MTV Networks has established 2 new nominations: “The Coolest Movie” and “The Coolest Game”. The Dark Knight was named the first, and The Sims was the funniest game.

    Then you can enjoy the rating without our comments. The only thing to be warned is that some European brands are not familiar to our consumers at all.

    The coolest mobile phone (Coolest Mobile Phone Brand)
    1. iPhone (Apple) 8.3 / 10
    2. Samsung
    3. Nokia The

    coolest mobile operator (Coolest Mobile Phone Operator)
    1. Mobistar 6.3 / 10
    2. MTV Generation
    3. Proximus The

    coolest drink brand (Coolest Soft Drink Brand)
    1. Coca-Cola 7.7 / 10
    2. Fanta
    3. Ice Tea

    Coolest Energy Drink Brand
    1. Red Bull 7.1 / 10
    2. Burn
    3. Nalu

    Coolest Make Up Brand
    1. Nivea 7.0 / 10
    2. L'Oréal
    3. Maybelline The

    coolest brand of refreshing sweets ( Coolest Mint Brand)
    1. Tic Tac 7.5 / 10
    2. Mentos
    3. One Sec The

    coolest shoe brand (Coolest Shoe Brand)
    1. All Stars (Converse) 7.5 / 10
    2. Guess
    3. Puma The

    coolest sports brand (Coolest Sport Brand)
    1. Roxy 7.5 / 10
    2. Nike
    3. Banana Moon The

    coolest denim brand (Coolest Denim Brand)
    1. Diesel 7.9 / 10
    2. Replay
    3. Levi's

    Coolest Bank
    1. Fortis (Mine) 6.2 / 10
    2. Dexia (Axion)
    3. ING (Futuris)

    Coolest Game Console
    1. Wii 8.5 / 10
    2. PS3
    3. Playstation Portable (PSP)

    Coolest Water Brand
    1. Evian 6.5 / 10
    2. Perrier
    3. Vittel

    Coolest Deodorant Brand
    1. Ax 8.1 / 10
    2. Adidas
    3. Rexona

    Coolest Camera Brand )
    1. Sony 7.4 / 10
    2. Canon
    3. Samsung The

    coolest Spirits Brand
    1. Bacardi 6.8 / 10
    2. Smirnoff
    3. Eristoff The

    coolest Beer Brand
    1. Jupiler 6.9 / 10
    2. Kriek Lindemans
    3. Desperado The

    coolest Orange Juice Brand
    1. Looza 7.1 / 10
    2. Minute Maid
    3. Capri Sonne The

    coolest brand hair products (Coolest Hair Care Products Brand)
    1. Got2Be 6.9 / 10
    2. L'Oréal
    3. Fructis The

    coolest fastfood chain Brand
    1. Pizza Hut 6.6 / 10
    2. McDonalds
    3. Quick The

    coolest chips brand ( Coolest Chips Brand)
    1. Lays / Smith's 7.7 / 10
    2. Pringles
    3. Dorito's

    The coolest chewing gum brand (Coolest Chewing Gum Brand)
    1. Hollywood 7.3 / 10
    2. Sportlife
    3. Bubblicious The

    coolest chocolate brand (Coolest Chocolate Bar Brand)
    1. M & M's 7.5 / 10
    2. Cote d'Or
    3. Kinder Bueno The

    coolest fast food brand preparations (Coolest Ready Made Meals Brand)
    1. Aiki Noodles 7.1 / 10
    2. Mc Cain
    3. Dr. Oetker

    Writes (it is still “closed” (ie authorization is required) - therefore I consider posting a link incorrect)

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