Charger revolution
Russian scientists have developed an unparalleled charger in the world for mobile phones and laptops.
The power supply of a mobile phone or laptop is either disposable batteries or batteries that need to be recharged periodically. The world is flooded with hundreds of millions of such devices, and it never occurred to anyone to change anything here. Therefore, the idea of Russian scientists so struck many seasoned specialists. The Russians suggested using hydrogen in the charger!
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It is called 21st century fuel, and dozens of electric vehicles running on this fuel are already running around the world. But how to make him give current in a small device? This was made possible thanks to the nanomaterials created in the Aspect Association and allowed us to create a charger that provides 30 hours of continuous telephone conversation. For comparison, the best foreign batteries are designed for only three hours. The hydrogen device is safe for the environment and human health, and weighs only 180 grams. A standard charger of the same weight can give only 1.5 full cycles of charging the battery, and the new device - 5. In 10-20 minutes, a fully discharged phone is ready for use again.
“The heart of the device is a nanoporous membrane with a catalyst,” explains Lev Trusov, Doctor of Technical Sciences. - It resembles a Napoleon cake from a dozen layers from a nanometer to hundreds of nanometers thick (1 nanometer - 10-9 meters). Each square centimeter of the membrane contains up to 100 billion pores, each of which has a size of several nanometers. Their creation is our know-how. Such a multilayer structure allows a large amount of energy to be removed. As a result, a large resource of work and low weight of the device. Say, for a laptop, it will pull only 100-150 grams.
Actually on the membrane, an electric current is being produced due to the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen known from the school textbook. Moreover, hydrogen itself on the same membrane is extracted from a special compound that is in the device, and oxygen is taken directly from the air. In fact, you carry an outlet in your pocket. Such a charger is indispensable for long flights, while traveling, in the country, in any places where there is no electricity.
Soon, the Tensor plant in Dubna will begin mass production of such devices, taking the path of public-private partnership. A cooperation agreement has been signed with the American company Medis Technology. According to Lev Trusov, this innovative development was carried out entirely at public expense: “In 2003, when we started, there was only an idea, today, thanks to the support of Rosnauka, we have a scientific base, experience, first-class equipment, materials, and most importantly, unique knowledge. Another plus is cooperation with the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after MV Lomonosov. We attract young people to the project, about one third of our employees are under 30 years old. "
The Aspect Association project is included in the program of the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy, which includes such well-known research centers as the Livermore Laboratory (USA), the Fraunhofer Institute (Germany) and the QMS Corporation (England).
Is it possible that at least somewhere public money is spent wisely, now the question of the cost of such devices remains open.
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The power supply of a mobile phone or laptop is either disposable batteries or batteries that need to be recharged periodically. The world is flooded with hundreds of millions of such devices, and it never occurred to anyone to change anything here. Therefore, the idea of Russian scientists so struck many seasoned specialists. The Russians suggested using hydrogen in the charger!
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It is called 21st century fuel, and dozens of electric vehicles running on this fuel are already running around the world. But how to make him give current in a small device? This was made possible thanks to the nanomaterials created in the Aspect Association and allowed us to create a charger that provides 30 hours of continuous telephone conversation. For comparison, the best foreign batteries are designed for only three hours. The hydrogen device is safe for the environment and human health, and weighs only 180 grams. A standard charger of the same weight can give only 1.5 full cycles of charging the battery, and the new device - 5. In 10-20 minutes, a fully discharged phone is ready for use again.
“The heart of the device is a nanoporous membrane with a catalyst,” explains Lev Trusov, Doctor of Technical Sciences. - It resembles a Napoleon cake from a dozen layers from a nanometer to hundreds of nanometers thick (1 nanometer - 10-9 meters). Each square centimeter of the membrane contains up to 100 billion pores, each of which has a size of several nanometers. Their creation is our know-how. Such a multilayer structure allows a large amount of energy to be removed. As a result, a large resource of work and low weight of the device. Say, for a laptop, it will pull only 100-150 grams.
Actually on the membrane, an electric current is being produced due to the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen known from the school textbook. Moreover, hydrogen itself on the same membrane is extracted from a special compound that is in the device, and oxygen is taken directly from the air. In fact, you carry an outlet in your pocket. Such a charger is indispensable for long flights, while traveling, in the country, in any places where there is no electricity.
Soon, the Tensor plant in Dubna will begin mass production of such devices, taking the path of public-private partnership. A cooperation agreement has been signed with the American company Medis Technology. According to Lev Trusov, this innovative development was carried out entirely at public expense: “In 2003, when we started, there was only an idea, today, thanks to the support of Rosnauka, we have a scientific base, experience, first-class equipment, materials, and most importantly, unique knowledge. Another plus is cooperation with the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after MV Lomonosov. We attract young people to the project, about one third of our employees are under 30 years old. "
The Aspect Association project is included in the program of the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy, which includes such well-known research centers as the Livermore Laboratory (USA), the Fraunhofer Institute (Germany) and the QMS Corporation (England).
Is it possible that at least somewhere public money is spent wisely, now the question of the cost of such devices remains open.
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