Equity License

    Studying the details of the new law on copyright and related rights, discussions at various forums came across his sharp rejection. Yes, in principle, this can be understood, our people have long been brought up in an atmosphere of "public domain". Here, the polemic could be divided into two groups, the larger - those who are against the adoption of such a "raw" law, and the smaller - those who believe that anything can be adopted now, but with time the corresponding amendments will be adopted and we will all be happy.
    My opinion here is a little twofold, but nothing more, that is, the adoption of a more stringent law is necessary ( which is one of the conditions for joining the WTO, which, by the way, is a very dubious event ), but I believe that it would be the “pirates” who should go to court ", owners of dubious points of sale of DVD, CD and video cassettes (if they are still sold somewhere :)
    In our country, everything is still done through the place where the back loses its noble name. And it will be that they wanted the best, but it will turn out as always. "Pirates" and those who profit from counterfeiting will remain on the sidelines to consider profits, and people who spent money to buy it (yes - yes, you also have to pay for it) will go to court, and if you are lucky they will get off with a fine.
    In general, this is a very slippery topic, I would even say “holivny” , I will not continue to spread demagogy here, after all, it’s not a legal forum, all of the above is like an introduction to a story that I dug up on the net,.

    Equity License

    I finished the rest of the coffee, opened the electronic wallet, dialed my personal identification code and, with my little finger, clicked on the dial icon. It turned out that before the anniversary evening of the meeting of graduates of our class exactly fourteen minutes remained. There was a jerky signal, and a warning window popped up on the screen: “The license to use the solutions of the exact time service expires in two hours thirty eight minutes. Would you like to register the payment now ([D] / n)? ”I didn’t want and closed the lid. A sense of impending danger only injected an extra dose of adrenaline.

    The transparent doors of the information hall smoothly parted, and Anna Petrovna appeared on the threshold.

    Most of all, she looked like that bitch, which I managed to remember her. The same predatory pursed lips. The same piercing look to the bladder. The same hair gathered on the back of the head in a cow cake. The same dismissive haughty walk of dried roach from the board of trustees. Only ten years old, of course. In her hands she held a large brown box. Out of habit, I jumped to my feet.

    “Sit, don’t get up,” the teacher nodded back to my place with a nod of her head. “It’s good that you wrote a letter and announced your desire to come.” This, ”she put the box on the table,“ is a cake. ” Chocolate, your favorite. I baked it myself.

    I thought that she could not pronounce the last sentence. If this were not so, the hell with two, I would be wasting time now.

    She sat next to her, tipped the coffee pot over my empty cup and asked:

    “Have you noticed how our school has changed?”

    “Yeah,” this time the turn came to nod to me.

    - Four Internet classes of the latest generation. Escalators on all floors. Three-dimensional anatomy cabinet. Gym physical education brain. And all this, of course, solely due to the subsidies received from the sale of intellectual property licenses.

    I said nothing. In general, over the past ten years I have become less talkative.

    - In vain you sulk at me. It was made for your own good. I hope you understand that now?

    I sat with coffee in my mouth.

    - Respect for the use of intellectual products is the greatest achievement of our time. The licensing law has given the future to our children. Without its introduction into public consciousness, thousands of factories would close. Millions of people would lose their jobs. There would be no money left for medicine, solving environmental problems, social programs. Failure to comply with the elementary rules of honesty ...

    She could not finish it - the electronic board flashed, heated up, and the joyful face of a young woman with a face of amazing freshness appeared on it.

    - My God, Sveta Demushkina! Anna Petrovna threw up her hands in rehearsal. I was ready to swear on the Road to the Future of Russia that her whole morning was devoted to memorizing the names of former students in front of a digital mirror. - How did we all miss you! Well, how are you doing?

    The woman's face on the screen was distorted by a dazzling smile:

    - Everything is fine with me. Only I, long ago, Shikin, not Demushkin. Since my husband and I acquired a license to marry. We moved to Paris, we have four children, a wonderful house and a well-paid job. Thank you very much for your wonderful upbringing. Hi Nick! - the woman winked in my direction.

    I waved languidly and looked at Anna Petrovna. It seemed another millisecond - and tears of emotion would be wrapped in her eyes the size of an ostrich egg.

    A new window appeared on the screen with a strong-will tanned physiognomy of a young man. Without a doubt, it belonged to Zhenya Malyavin.

    - Zhenechka! - Anna Petrovna choked with happiness. - Where are you from?

    - Hello, our dear teacher! I'm from Oxford. Congratulate me: I just renewed my poetry license just yesterday! If you will, with pleasure I will send you something new.

    - Of course! - followed by another bout of joy. “Are you still asking ?!”

    And at this very time, another cheerful lady showed snow-white teeth in the third window.

    - Nadya Yudina! Oh, and it hasn’t changed at all!

    - And I was afraid that you would not know! Thank you, I have everything better than anyone! - the speakers burst into a giggle. - Imagine, I won the license for the lottery ...

    I did not begin to listen to this nonsense. I was troubled. I poured two aspirin tablets into my palm, washed them down with cooled coffee, and went to the window.

    Twenty minutes later, when the performance finally ended, I turned around. The screen went out. Anna Petrovna pressed a snow-white lace scarf to her eyes.

    “You see,” she sobbed with her nose, “they are doing well.” Understand, I just could not do otherwise then. The day I found you in the toilet playing the unlicensed Tetris. I was forced to call the Morale of Operational Punishment. And the court sentenced you to ten years of corrective brain work. Do you think I was pleased? No, you say, I really need to know your opinion.

    The corners of the lips themselves formed a semblance of a bitter grin.

    - Anna Petrovna! The problem is that you are not well informed. Sveta Shikina cannot currently be in Paris. Three years ago, she did not have enough money to acquire a license to raise her fourth child. As a result, the whole family was deported to a compilation camp near Redmond. Without the right to use e-mail, of course, I enjoyed watching her eyes bulge. - Further ... Zhenya Malyavin was caught reading a newspaper in a public place last fall. Without a license, of course. And, of course, they beat him half to death. In the hospital, he turned out to be a complete idiot. The only thing he can do is use the latest version of our wonderful operating system - the teacher froze with her mouth open. - Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Yudina was arrested at the moment when she, using a brush, canvas and paints, made a pirated copy of the image of the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky. That is directly at the foot of the monument. Now, by the verdict of the intellectual tribunal, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna will draw banners for the needs of the government, people, and the happiness of future generations until the end of her days.

    Anna Petrovna tried to rise from the table.

    “Sit, don’t get up,” I tried to put into the gesture all the sarcasm I was capable of.

    “But ... But ...” she carefully selected the right words. “But they committed a crime, after all!” They robbed us all! A thief should ...

    - That's right! - I enjoyed demonstrating the masterpiece of my dentist. - A thief is the main enemy of society at the present stage. Here we come close to the second problem. The government, people and every honest person believe that at the present stage the enemy is not worthy to be in prison. The enemy must be destroyed. That's why I came to you, dear Anna Petrovna, - I pulled out a service Walter PK from the inside pocket of my jacket and took aim at the nose of the teacher. Knowing that five hundred million people would see me in the User and Law program, clearly, as they once taught, declared:

    “Your license to make homemade cakes for non-commercial use expired a month and a half ago.”

    And holding his breath for a second, he carried out the sentence.

    A balding hologram of the chef appeared on the board:

    - Great work, congratulations. We here watched the entire department - aerobatics. Also, this is your twentieth successfully completed mission. And if so, then I immediately sign a license to the right to hold the position of a certified justice engineer. With the presentation for the award of the Order of St. Olga. I hope you understand what this means?

    Of course, I understood. This means that not a single bastard will now dare to send me offers to renew the license to use the solutions of the exact time service. Because from today I work for society officially.

    The source of this graphomanian creation

    P.S.I still think that this makes sense. It’s funny, but it’s somehow somehow cold in my soul: “God forbid this will happen !!!”

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