Look for the answer to the main question in the first textcast “42 is answer”

Now we gather every day, select a topic and write, write, write. Of course, now the site looks pretty damp, it's hard to be a pioneer. But every day we edit or add something new. It's like buying new microphones for new releases of podcasts.
I hope you will like it.
whatit turned out to be yours to judge, but I think the idea is not bad. We will maintain the set pace and delight you with notes every day.
Actually the very process of writing such articles is ridiculously simple so far. One of us begins to write, sets the topic. Then he passes the baton to two other authors. And then we add and publish.
In RuNet there were no projects of this format. I hope we get everything that we have in mind, and textcasts will become popular.
The project is young and only at the beginning of the journey. We will for the sake of hearing any of your wishes. Come, read, comment :)
There should have been Valenok's words, but a UFO abducted him. Wait for comments from the scene.