Borton DSC-MP-03 - The first Ukrainian-made telephone
In Ukraine, the topic of the appearance of the Borton DSC-MP-03 phone, which is being assembled directly in Kharkov by Ukrainian engineers, is now actively discussed.
Today, there are no domestic-made mobile phones in mass sales, and the appearance of devices, the creation of which is in any way connected with Ukrainian specialists, causes great interest among users. The Kharkov company BORTON has set its sights on the sought-after segment of DualSIM devices and, I must admit, its first product really deserves attention.
The first review of the Borton DSC-MP-03 device has already appeared . The author expresses his positive attitude towards this model, and calls it very successful. Let's see what kind of demand Borton will receive in retail sales.
Today, there are no domestic-made mobile phones in mass sales, and the appearance of devices, the creation of which is in any way connected with Ukrainian specialists, causes great interest among users. The Kharkov company BORTON has set its sights on the sought-after segment of DualSIM devices and, I must admit, its first product really deserves attention.
The first review of the Borton DSC-MP-03 device has already appeared . The author expresses his positive attitude towards this model, and calls it very successful. Let's see what kind of demand Borton will receive in retail sales.