iPhone me

    Most recently, I decided to finally buy an iPhone. It turns out that even in Moscow this is not as easy as it seems - there are many pitfalls.

    Firstly, we immediately reject all offers of dubious sites and individuals with prepayment and delivery in a month.

    From what remains, we turn our attention only to models with 8Gb on board.

    Unlocked devices are on sale (i.e., with the possibility of using any mobile operators; most often already Russified, with a set of necessary third-party software) and, accordingly, original (tied to some AT&T or O2). So what to choose? I, as a person who was technically more or less developed (still an engineer), thought that I would buy a locked-up “for inexpensive” and do it myself, since I already had experience with the firmware and its restoration on Siemens (right up to cutting testpoints at home). But not so simple ...

    The possibility of unlocking the iPhone was associated with an error in the bootloader code (version 3.x), which allowed to replace Apple's cryptographic key and execute arbitrary code. Under pressure from Apple, Infineon (on whose logic the iPhone nodes are assembled) closed the gap by releasing a new version of the bootloader (index 4). Starting from this moment, devices with firmware 1.1.2 are released. You cannot unlock them at this time. A few days ago, it was possible to get the bootloader code and work is already underway to find vulnerabilities.

    UPD: Please note that on a phone with factory firmware less than 1.1.2 you can install it and you can octatize it. But devices with factory 1.1.2 can not be unlocked precisely due to the new bootloader.

    Those who have already bought an iPhone with firmware version 1.1.2 or a loader with version 4.x (week number in a serial number older than 38 - numbers after 7v7 and 7s7) are left to use it as an iPod Touch (there are a lot of instructions for activation on the network), or make multisim with the images of your SIM card and the SIM card of the operator on which a specific version of the phone is locked.

    A few days ago in America, it was possible to purchase devices with firmware version 1.1.1 and the old version of the bootloader at retail, but apparently the inventory in warehouses is coming to an end, and people are increasingly finding firmware 1.1.2 and bootloader version 4 in purchased phones. x

    And now we come to the main point. If you decide to buy an unlocked device in Russia, then with a probability of 99% you will be sold a phone with a factory version of firmware 1.1.2. After all, they must be put somewhere. Prices for "Russified", in both senses, iPhone are kept at a fairly high level - an average of 20 thousand rubles. With the release of the “medicine” for firmware 1.1.2, the price, of course, will fall, but even people who found vulnerability in previous versions of the iPhone cannot tell the time.

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    UPD bootloader : Negative, - comments in the studio.

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