
    Many of you love bacon, but did not think about how to get it. And they get it as follows - alternate feeding the pig with its starvation, resulting in a product consisting of the thinnest layers of fat and meat. And how delicious smoked bacon ... oh, something I didn’t talk about. What needs to be done so that during a forced hunger strike the pig does not squeal? The solution is simple - they throw a big pumpkin into her corral, a pig chases her on the ground, but she can’t eat, she’s all at work, but she’s not given to taste such a long-awaited and desired treat? Why? Yes, because she cannot split a pumpkin, she does not have such opportunities, neither physiological nor intellectual.
    Let's transfer this process to the framework of our human reality. There are people who generously spend time studying all kinds of literature, which, unfortunately, their meager mind is not able to digest. But in spite of this, they are even more fiercely clogging their heads with information so unnecessary to them, often contradicting what they had previously used. The process of work is obvious, but the work is aimless. Nor can they taste the food of knowledge, like that pig of a pumpkin.
    I meet a lot of such carriers of other people's thoughts. And each of them, at the opportunity, boasts of his "pumpkins" surrounding him, tells how they looked, how they hit the walls of the "corral", do not be surprised if they advise you to ride their favorite "pumpkin".
    Knowledge should live in a smart head, in that head that can use this knowledge, make it work, and not waste time in their silly repetition.

    05/07/2007 06:42 © Greignar ; Taken from the site in agreement with himself :)

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