Habromoskva, version 3

    Habrolyudi gathered for a long time: waiting for latecomers for half an hour yielded results.

    Susanin-DileSoft took us for a long time through the urban nooks, past the railway station, construction sites of the century and just office buildings. At the finish line to the cafe club "Your Circle" managed to gather everyone in one photo: At

    first, many felt constrained. And the division at the common table between (smokers and drinkers at the same time) and (non-smokers and non-alcoholic) also made itself felt. When IT topics started to go, it seemed kind of fun.

    The Zhivoy Zhurnal newspaper was very interested in many (only LiveJournal users write there):

    I, as a media lover, were more attracted by the output:
    Information and analytical edition of the newspaper "Live Journal / LiveJournal". Founder - Political Party "Democratic Party of Russia". The circulation is 30,000 copies. Distributed for free.

    And then they all drank, ate and walked ...

    SynteZZZ and koroleva ,

    alammi , unknown to me habrachelovek and anortorn .

    The whole Moscow habratusovka without the author of the photo (as it usually happens)

    Settlement for gatherings in "Your Circle":

    UFOs everywhere pursued us for a walk. For example, here it is:

    to argue we BBSoD , which can not be found in the internet. My mobile phones are possible, pictures are possible. His data is also present. And also BBSoDHe said that his picture on the internet can not be found (with a few exceptions). We rectify the situation:

    Ruberoid and DileSoft are waiting for the “weak” link of the lagging ones:

    Have you noticed the similarity of Ruberoid with Lebedev? We, too. And they even wanted to go to his studio. Did not work out. :(

    So that everyone knows what city we are from:

    And at the very Red Square in GUM there was an exhibition about the history of Apple. We missed this ... we could, but didn’t want to: The

    alarm didn’t work:

    These devices were very popular in 1991:

    Hypnotize failed ...

    It turned out that the GUM Store from Apple opened not only as an exhibition, but also as a store:

    "And where are the prices?"

    Particularly persistent reached the cafe Eat'n'Talk. What happened next - history will show.

    PS Photos in better quality can be obtained from TeineTT. And here even pictures 600 * 450 are cut under 450 * 337.

    Also popular now: