About distance learning ...
Gentlemen and Ladies!
As a person who is always hungry for knowledge (who knows me, he will not let me lie), I am constantly horrified at how difficult it is to obtain the necessary knowledge, and even more so the skills in our education system ...
Whenever I undertake to study something, they torment me vague doubts: how can this process be optimized? ..
In connection with this, questions have ripened:
Have you ever used distance learning?
What did they try to study and where?
How successful?
What do you think about the prospects of distance learning?
As a person who is always hungry for knowledge (who knows me, he will not let me lie), I am constantly horrified at how difficult it is to obtain the necessary knowledge, and even more so the skills in our education system ...
Whenever I undertake to study something, they torment me vague doubts: how can this process be optimized? ..
In connection with this, questions have ripened:
Have you ever used distance learning?
What did they try to study and where?
How successful?
What do you think about the prospects of distance learning?