The Ministry of Informatization and Communications remembered the World Wide Web
Just two pages of dry numbered text, without aplomb, without any informational preparation and PR. But the sophisticated reader can immediately highlight two features that bring the document to the first positions of the rating.
Firstly, this is the first MinInformSvyaz order in history, which is absolutely unambiguous regarding such long-familiar concepts as HTTP, FTP, news feeds, etc. Those. it is December 11th, 2006, that you can date the birth of the State with increased interest in the web.
Secondly, this document applies to absolutely everyone. If all the previous rules and restrictions, at least somehow tightly related to websites, concerned only the onerous provision of services in the field of Internet services, then this order does not even contain a hint of determining the scope of its action, which means that it is valid for everyone (in any case formally I could not find a single contradiction to this condition). Once again, for the inattentive reader, the order does not explicitly limit itself, it concerns ALL .
Troubles begin immediately with definitions (part I, paragraph 3). It defines the technical means (TS) that fall under these rules. All definitions contain slang expressions in the right part of the definition and none of them are disclosed either directly or by reference to the corresponding document. The culmination of the first part is a statement of mandatory declaration of conformity. I leave the reader as a homework to try to reproduce the situation with the declaration, the declaration form and appeals in case of refusal.
Troubles continue in the second part of the order, where completely different definitions of the vehicle are used than in the first part. If at first we used a mixture of still Soviet argon with modern slang, then in the second part we come across a mix of legal language with technical terms. For example, "HTTP TC" (clause 17) and the same "Web server". What kind of services fall under the “HTTP TC”, if all that use the HTTP protocol, then here in the general case the “Web server” remains unclear. Also, the document should not properly declare compliance with distributed implementations of a particular technology. For example, not all mail servers can send mail to the display device after entering the credentials. Moreover, a fairly good practice is their topological diversity. Whatever speculative conclusion we are having,
Upon careful study of the rules, even when trying to extrapolate the creator’s thought, there are untranslatable pearls like “receiving files in accordance with the hyperlink command entered from the Web application and displaying the corresponding image on the screen.” The methodology for monitoring the client side of the technology will be left to the conscience of the ministry experts.
The order ends on a humorous note. This requires a quote: "The list of abbreviations used.
9. Web - World Wide Web "
With what, dear friends, I congratulate all of us. But exactly two months before the order, I was talking about this here and here , and also during the creation of GHP .
Optimism is inspired only by the fact that it is completely unclear how Deputy Minister B.D. Antonyuk will control the execution of the order.
I didn’t want to get into trouble, so I didn’t make any thematic predictions for the year, but I’m afraid that 2007 will be the year of “the state’s hands in IT”. And here it depends on our quickness whether it will turn out “as always” or at least a little mutually beneficial.
Firstly, this is the first MinInformSvyaz order in history, which is absolutely unambiguous regarding such long-familiar concepts as HTTP, FTP, news feeds, etc. Those. it is December 11th, 2006, that you can date the birth of the State with increased interest in the web.
Secondly, this document applies to absolutely everyone. If all the previous rules and restrictions, at least somehow tightly related to websites, concerned only the onerous provision of services in the field of Internet services, then this order does not even contain a hint of determining the scope of its action, which means that it is valid for everyone (in any case formally I could not find a single contradiction to this condition). Once again, for the inattentive reader, the order does not explicitly limit itself, it concerns ALL .
Troubles begin immediately with definitions (part I, paragraph 3). It defines the technical means (TS) that fall under these rules. All definitions contain slang expressions in the right part of the definition and none of them are disclosed either directly or by reference to the corresponding document. The culmination of the first part is a statement of mandatory declaration of conformity. I leave the reader as a homework to try to reproduce the situation with the declaration, the declaration form and appeals in case of refusal.
Troubles continue in the second part of the order, where completely different definitions of the vehicle are used than in the first part. If at first we used a mixture of still Soviet argon with modern slang, then in the second part we come across a mix of legal language with technical terms. For example, "HTTP TC" (clause 17) and the same "Web server". What kind of services fall under the “HTTP TC”, if all that use the HTTP protocol, then here in the general case the “Web server” remains unclear. Also, the document should not properly declare compliance with distributed implementations of a particular technology. For example, not all mail servers can send mail to the display device after entering the credentials. Moreover, a fairly good practice is their topological diversity. Whatever speculative conclusion we are having,
Upon careful study of the rules, even when trying to extrapolate the creator’s thought, there are untranslatable pearls like “receiving files in accordance with the hyperlink command entered from the Web application and displaying the corresponding image on the screen.” The methodology for monitoring the client side of the technology will be left to the conscience of the ministry experts.
The order ends on a humorous note. This requires a quote: "The list of abbreviations used.
9. Web - World Wide Web "
With what, dear friends, I congratulate all of us. But exactly two months before the order, I was talking about this here and here , and also during the creation of GHP .
Optimism is inspired only by the fact that it is completely unclear how Deputy Minister B.D. Antonyuk will control the execution of the order.
I didn’t want to get into trouble, so I didn’t make any thematic predictions for the year, but I’m afraid that 2007 will be the year of “the state’s hands in IT”. And here it depends on our quickness whether it will turn out “as always” or at least a little mutually beneficial.