What happened to the font?

Those who visit the website of the studio of Artemy Lebedev every day know that “a font can be squeezed 1-2% without serious damage to perception .”
However, looking at the logo of the magazine "Russia!", It seems that it all consists of stretched and compressed letters.
But it is also true that there are no universal rules in design that could be applied in any situation.
Therefore, the logo "Russia!" - not a violation of the rule, but, probably, the desire to interest, not to force oneself to look and ask what the difference in letters could mean. Moreover, the magazine is new, fashionable, “in a glossy cover” - hence its need for non-standard.
For me, this logo is pretty. He "jumps", but the same distance between the letters is preserved. He is funny, he makes you pay attention to yourself, slowly but cheerfully read: "R a - sha."
I have no doubt that many designers loved him. However, we will be honest: if such a logo were made by an unknown studio, there would hardly be many positive reviews.